Car parts and accessories

Take advantage of a wide network of dealers, who supply spare parts, motor oil, car batteries, catalysts, fillers and lubricants. Choose from original and reconditioned parts, whether it's engine parts, brake or chassis parts, or the cooling and air conditioning.

Autocentrum Kalčík

The company Autocentrum Kalčík, based in the district of Mělník, offers its customers repairs, service, maintenance, production, completion and also the sale of municipal equipment, trucks, commercial vehicles and special vehicles. At the same time, we also provide service for collection vehicles, tipping equipment, hydraulic cylinders, container carriers and preparation of vehicles for MOT. We…

Karel Kulda

Nákup a prodej automobilů AVIA. Opravárenská činnost, prodej náhradních dílů na vozy AVIA, generální opravy motorů, převodovek, zadních náprav pro vozy LIAZ. Výroba tlakových hydraulických hadic. Dealer-SLOVAVIA Žilina. Opravy včetně OTP pro AVIA. Půjčování: -autojeřáb PU3-8t -sklápěč A31.