Car parts and accessories

Take advantage of a wide network of dealers, who supply spare parts, motor oil, car batteries, catalysts, fillers and lubricants. Choose from original and reconditioned parts, whether it's engine parts, brake or chassis parts, or the cooling and air conditioning.

AM zone s.r.o.

Authorized Toyota service, car showroom. Sale: -Toyota cars, import of cars from the EU - car dealership, counter-accounts, commission sales -new cars, used cars - passenger, commercial vehicles -mandatory liability, accident insurance, leasing, loan. - finding out the condition of the used vehicle. Service, sales, assembly: -mechanical, body work, -tire service, wheels and tires …

AUTO Lukášek s.r.o.

Dovoz: -havarovaná i nehavarovaná vozidla ze zahraničí -dovoz aut dle přání zákazníka -při zakoupení vozidla odvoz po celé ČR -vyřízení veškerých formalit spojených s přihlášením vozidla -všechna vozidla jsou se servisními knížkami -doložení původu vozidla. Služby: -odtahová služba 24 hodin denně. Prodej a montáž: -autorádia, reproduktory, zesilovače, handsfree sady -mechanické i…

Tomáš Hobza - HT MOTOR

Retail, wholesale, sale: -original car parts -spare parts for cars -hose clamps -mirrors and mirror glasses with a wide range -coolers, heating, condensers, intercoolers, accessories, the largest range in the Czech Republic -pollen filters -spare parts for starters, alternators and electrical accessories -ignition cables for cars -V-belt, timing belt, V-belt, belts and hoses -detergents…

Obchodní firma Cejpek

Prodej: -zahradní mechanizace firmy SOLO, pily motorové, postřikovače, křovinořezy -zemědělské stroje -náhradní díly LIAZ, AVIA, traktor -ložiska, gufera, klínové řemeny -pneumatiky osobní, nákladní, traktorové -autobaterie, autopříslušenství -vodoinstalační materiál -elektromateriál -hutní, spojovací materiál -ochranné, desinfekční prostředky -technické plyny firmy SIAD TP. …


Autodružstvo Znojmo is an authorized dealer of new and used ŠKODA, RENAULT and DACIA cars in Znojmo. Of course, there is also a car repair shop, where we provide comprehensive service. In our car show you can see and try various car models. As part of our services, we also provide insurance and financing. Other possibilities of cooperation are provided by our body shop or paint shop. The…

UNICORN-Market s.r.o.

Restaurace (40 míst): -večírky, svatby, školení. Ubytování: -2x čtyřlůžkový pokoj -2x dvoulůžkový pokoj -přistýlka -na pokojích vestavěné skříně, sociální zařízení (toalety, sprchy). Čerpací stanice PHM. Shop. Videopůjčovna. Autoopravna, servis: -pneuservis -oprava mechanických částí všech vozidel bývalého RVHP i zahraničních vozidel -výměna olejů -seřízení aut s…

Libor Holátko

We are engaged in the renovation of engines of modern cars and veterans. Our specialty is grinding and balancing crankshafts with a digital balancer and chrome plating of motorcycle cylinders. Among other things, we also perform chrome plating of motorcycle cylinders - hard chrome, nickel plating of small parts, TIG welding of aluminum and alloys under the protection of the argon atmosphere. …

Prumex s.r.o.

Sales, warehouse, wholesale, retail: -car batteries, accessories -autoelectric material -autochemistry -car cosmetics -complete assortment -gufer, cuffs, O-rings (for engineering, cars, agricultural machinery, construction machinery) -hose, fittings -V-belts -technical gases -bearings -equipment for maintenance, lubrication and replacement of bearings -lubrication technique -tools,…

Josef Horák-autoopravna

Car repair shop, car service, tire service, sale of new cars: -car repair, service, cars, vehicles, vehicles, car, cars, cars -ŠKODA, FORD, FIAT, VW, VOLKSWAGEN and others -tire service, tire change, tire - mechanical work -auto repair, body work - diagnosis of axles - car glass - oil change, Castrol, Valzoline oils - preparing cars for MOT including emissions, emissions - sale of spare…

NEJEDLÝ s.r.o.

Wholesale, retail, sale: -spare parts-ZETOR tractors, rotary mowers and rails, mowers, manure spreaders, tractor trailers, stable mechanization, faeces -small mechanization-AGT small tractors, attachments behind small tractors -tractors ZETOR, ZTS, AGT -Agriculture machinery -car accessories-bearings, seals, sleeves, rings, segerovky, connecting material, roller chains, couplings, hoses,…

Autoservis Čechovský

Autoopravna, autoservis: -oprava všech typů vozidel, vozidla, auto, auta -příprava a přistavení na STK -přezkoušení a výměna tlumičů -karosářské práce -pneuservis -klimatizace -odtahová služba, tel.: 602740631. Prodej, montáž: -náhradní díly, autodíly -klimatizace.

Dalibor Mrkos

Car repair shop, car service, tire service. Towing service, tow truck, non stop. Repair, service of passenger cars, cars, vehicles, vehicles. Sale and exchange of tires, tires. Sale of car batteries and spare parts for all car brands. Services: -possibility of seasonal tire storage.

M.K.QUATRO, spol. s r.o.

We offer complete services in the field of car repair and servicing. Our car service and tire service is equipped with the most modern technologies. The work we do includes: - mechanical repairs -roller grinding mill - replacement of operating fluids and distribution systems -renovation of engine heads - diagnosis of engines and control units - preparation for MOT -repairs of…

Vladimír Lindaur

Car electrical work, car electrics, installation of car alarms Znojmo, Moravský Krumlov, Miroslav, Hrušovany nad Jevišovkou. Repairs, service of starters, starters, alternators, electrical installation for passenger cars. Installation of car alarms, car radios.


Autobazar, prodej, výkup: -ojeté automobily, auta, auto, vozidla, (všechny značky) -ojeté pneumatiky. Služby: -výkup za hotové -protiúčet -komisní prodej -možnost koupě na leasing. Prodej: -náhradní díly na automobily (starší, nové).

Pavel Worbis

Sale of original Ford parts, service of Ford cars -service inspections -exchange of oil, batteries, exhaust pipes, cooling liquids, distribution systems, belts, pulleys, engine head gaskets (including regrinding and pressurization) -repairs of brakes - replacement of pads, wheels, brake fluid, etc. -exchange (gluing) of front and other windows -installation of towing equipment -repairs of…

Autodíly Novák

Our company based in Znojmo sells spare parts for cars, car accessories, car accessories. Thanks to the representation of major Czech and foreign suppliers and manufacturers, we supply our customers with quality, original, primary production and proven spare parts at favorable prices. We have many years of experience with the sale of car parts, so we can provide you with a professional…