Jaroslav Novák
Novák car radios. Installation and sale of electronics for cars - auto hifi, multimedia - radar detectors, security
Novák car radios. Installation and sale of electronics for cars - auto hifi, multimedia - radar detectors, security
The company IBOS - obchod s.r.o. they have been operating on the market since 2005 and their basic item is quality mesh, wires, fence panels, gabions and other accessories. It also specializes in industrial motor oils and lubricants, their distribution and retail, wholesale. In order for our goods to be complete, you will also find the modern ecological sorbent Vapex and Novep in our assortment.…
Car service, car repair shop: - cars, cars of all brands. Independent service - Partner Elite Mechanical work: - passenger and commercial vehicles. Work: - automotive electrical, electronic - body shop, car repair shop - paint shop, car paint shop Sale: - spare parts - injectors and other common rail components
Ecological disposal of car wrecks. Sale: - used spare parts for cars.
Retail, sales: - brake systems for new, older and used vehicles. Online store, wholesale, retail: - brake parts - brake, clutch, fuel, hydraulic pipes - brake, clutch, fuel, hydraulic hoses - brake, clutch cables. Renovation: - hydraulic parts - brake and clutch rollers - brake calipers Sale: - brake pads for cars, motorbikes. Production: - brake hoses for cars, motorbikes…
Prodej: -náhradní díly-vozy ŠKODA. Autoservis, autooprava, servis: -veškeré opravy-osobní automobily, vozidla. Služby: -příprava a provedení STK -servisní prohlídky.
Prodej: - automobilové náhradní díly, autodíly.
Výroba: -senzory pro automobilový průmysl.
Monitoring and security of vehicles, motorcycles, boats Vehicle sound system, multimedia, speakers, amplifiers, DVD. Repair, service: - electrical installation of cars, boats, daytime running lights, handsfree, all electronic accessories. - Installation of electronic devices - monitoring - guarding vehicles and other objects.
Prodej, maloobchod, montáž: - příslušenství a doplňky na osobní automobily - přívěsné vozíky - tažná zařízení - nápravy - náhradní díly. Zámečnické práce. Sídlo: - Na Skotnici 18/25, Ostrava - Koblov .
Výroba: - plastové a pryžové komponenty pro automobilový průmysl - pneumatiky, duše, hadice.
Prodej, maloobchod, e-shop: - autoelektro. Oprava, servis, odblokování: - autorádia - elektronika.
Car repair shop, car service. Mechanical work, body work. Repair, serivs: - gearboxes. Provision and preparation - MOT, emission. Painting work. Change of oils and fillings. Engine overhaul. Towing equipment Sale of towing equipment Installation of towing devices Mechanical security of vehicles Mister Lock, Defend Lock, Construct Air conditioning disinfection Provision of MOT and…
Výroba. distribuce: - produkty pro automobilový průmysl - palivové uzávěry - uzávěry chladících a olejových soustav - odvzdušňovací a zpětné přepouštěcí palivové ventily.
Car service. Car repair shop. Repair, service - automobiles, cars: - care of company fleet - special conditions - tire service - vehicle diagnostics - repairs within 24 hours - by agreement, the possibility of weekend and night work - service inspections - changing oils, fluids, filters. Sales of tires and discs. Geometry. Auto glass replacement. Sale: - spare parts. …
Tire service for passenger and commercial vehicles. Sale: - new and used tires and wheels. Rental of trailers, trailers, trailers. Road transport: - national, domestic - international, foreign.
Car dealership. Purchase, sale, commission sale, leasing: - cars, vans, motorcycles and trailers. Sale of vehicles against account. Pledge of vehicles. Sale: - spare parts for cars, car parts. Rental: - trailers. Car service - mechanical repairs of vehicles. Towing service.
Selection, sorting, selection, checking, reworking: - components, parts, final products for the automobile industry. Provision of services: - manufacturing companies in the field of electronics industry and production of consumer goods for households.
Retail, sale, E-shop: - car parts - spare parts, car accessories and car accessories for all types of vehicles, cars - original Škoda brand parts - car batteries - motor oils, lubricants - car cosmetics.
Internetový obchod, eshop, e-shop, prodej: - autobaterie VARTA - autobaterie AK POWER - motobaterie VARTA - motobaterie YUASA Výkup: - staré, použité autobaterie: - gelové baterie, trakční - staré, použité elektromotory, katalyzátory, veškeré barevné kovy a železo
Free replacement of glasses from liability insurance, additional insurance and accident insurance. Free auto glass replacement 24 hours online. Sales, assembly, repairs, replacement: - auto glass and mobile assembly at your place - front, side and rear windows - cars and trucks, trucks, buses, earthmoving machines - window tinting with foils - car foils, safety foils - coding of auto…
Autoservis, autoopravna, oprava, servis, prodej: - kompletní servis automobilů PEUGEOT, CITROEN - pneuservis - náhradní díly, doplňky - příprava na STK. Montáž: - všechny typy zařízení pro handsfree.
Autoservis, autoopravna, karosárna, pneuservis. Prodej, maloobchod: - náhradní díly na tuzemské a zahraniční vozy, brzdy, tlumiče, spojky, rozvodové sady, výfuky, svíčky, filtry, oleje, klínové řemeny, ložiska, gufera, čerpadla, termostaty, kabely, elektropříslušenství, autobaterie, pneumatiky, autopotahy, autodoplňky, autorádia a další.
Pobočka. Velkoobchod, maloobchod, prodej: - akumulátory, baterie, autobaterie - průmyslové, přístrojové baterie - pojistky, konektory, relé, svorky, odpojovače, klaksony, vodiče, izolepy, startovací kabely, hustoměry, pneuměřiče, autolékárničky - zapalovací a žhavicí svíčky - autožárovky. Hlavní provozovna: - Dětmarovice 1072, tel.: 596550005.
Maloobchod, prodej: - originální náhradní díly na zahraniční vozidla, auta, automobily.