Car parts and accessories

Take advantage of a wide network of dealers, who supply spare parts, motor oil, car batteries, catalysts, fillers and lubricants. Choose from original and reconditioned parts, whether it's engine parts, brake or chassis parts, or the cooling and air conditioning.


Zabezpečení vozidel systémy firem: -IMMOBILIZÉR -JABLOTRON. Zabezpečení řadící páky systémem MULTILOCK. Zabezpečení objektů systémem JABLOTRON. Montáž: -elektrické stahování oken -centrální zamykání. Prodej a montáž: -autorádia KENWOOD.


TURBOCHARGES: -Sale of new original turbochargers and repair (overhaul) of turbochargers for all types of domestic and foreign passenger and truck vehicles and work machines (ČZ, GARRETT, HOLSET, SCHWITZER, IHI, KKK, Mitsubishi, Toyota, Hitachi turbochargers). -Repairs of these turbochargers, and that is common - i.e. repair of the customer's turbocharger, general or replacement. -Cleaning and…

Gemcar s.r.o.

Retail, wholesale: - spare parts for ŠKODA cars - sales office TAZ* Trnava for ŠKODA 1203 and TAZ* 1500 cars -spare parts and accessories. General repairs of units, bodies and cars. Delivery service - delivery within 24 hours.

Jiří Nechmač

Velkoobchod pneu: -BRIDGESTONE -FIRESTONE -HANKOOK -DUNLOP -GOOD YEAR -NOKIAN. Prodej: -filtry -MANN+HUMEL -JIPAP Přibyslavice -diesel -PAL -BOSCH -LUCAS -brzdové obložení -vozidla -přívěsy -návěsy. Zprostředkování brzdových systémů: -KNORR, WABCO. Pneuservis pro nákladní vozidla. Provozovna: -Bergmanova 391, 35601 Sokolov, telefon 602100306.


The company L.C. Truckcentrum s.r.o. is part of the multinational transport and forwarding group LC net, which mainly deals with road and combined transport of liquid chemicals, including dangerous ones. We also deal with the repair, reconstruction and rebuilding of tanks as well as tank containers. In order to ensure 100% technical condition of transport technology, a complete technical…


Renovation of vintage cars, chiptuning and tuning. Conversion to Ethanol 85 - we remove FAP and PDF for cars of all brands EVERYTHING FOR MOTORSPORTS: - repairs of control units - self-diagnosis - tacho service - changes to the backlighting of the control elements - application of ceramic nanotechnologies - efficient braking systems - balancing of flywheels - renovation of…

Podhrázský Pavel - Autoservis Cheb

Entrepreneur Podhrázský Pavel, specializes in all mechanical repairs of your cars. Our company is based in Cheb. In our services you will find warranty and post-warranty service of your cars of all brands, diagnostic measurements, all air conditioning service, engine tests, emission measurements, tire service, towing service and sale of spare parts. We measure emissions from petrol and…

Janeček Pavel

Prodej: -pneumatiky -auta -motocykly -jízdní kola -klínové řemeny -gufera -autodoplňky -zahradní hadice -pračkové hadice -akumulátory -osobní -nákladní. Renovace brzdových čelistí.

GÜSCHU těsnící technika, s.r.o.

Production of asbestos-free seals for industry, with a tradition since 1992. REINZ-exclusive representation of GRAFIT, PTFE, PEEK, SILICONE, VITON. Production: -flange seals - graphite seals -apparatus seals -plugs -cuffs, o-rings, cords -spiral, comb, sheathed seals - plumbing seals - self-sealing -other industrial seals. EN ISO 9002 certified. Czech gas certificate. CG…


Autoservis. Pneuservis. Autoskloservis. Prodej: -pneu všech značek -protektory -náhradní díly. Půjčovna: -přívěsy -auta. Odtahová služba, silniční služba. Příprava a realizace STK* a emisí na veškeré automobily. Zastoupení: -ABA*, UAMK, ADAC, ELVIA-ALLIANZ. Výkup havarovaných vozidel. Vrakoviště Škoda. Prodej na splátky, akceptace všech platebních karet.

Ota Klbík

Autoservis, autoopravna: -brzdové systémy -spojky -tlumiče -ložiska -výfuky. Prodej a montáž: -tažné zařízení -náhradní díly. Půjčovna: -vozíky -přívěsy.

AUTOMEGA - Husinecký Ivo

Opravy: -osobní automobily. Emisní kontrolní servis. Montáže adapterů LPG. Pneuservis. Autobazar. Autovrakoviště: -oprávnění k ekologické likvidaci autovraků. Prodej: -náhradní díly -použité náhradní díly -příslušenství. Čerpací stanice-Horní Slavkov. Lesní a zahradní technika: -Karlovy Vary-Doubí, Studentská 137/57 tel.353332066.

AUTO MUDRA, s.r.o.

Sales, leasing, service: - RENAULT, DACIA -passenger and utility vehicles. Service: - RENAULT warranty and post-warranty service -Mazda post-warranty service -measurement of emissions. Autobazar, tel. 353227888: -mediation of the sale of used cars vehicles - sale of used cars for leasing, loan. Sale: - trailers - car battery - car accessories, car accessories - car…

AUTO-ESTA, s.r.o.

Retail: -exhausts - catalysts -seal - rubber grips -flexible belts, tubes -for all types of cars. Production of atypical exhausts. Car service, express service, service on waiting: -exhausts - catalysts -suspension shock absorbers - traction devices -brakes -oils -tires - car battery -clutches -divorces. Tire service. Representation of companies: -BOSAL,…


Sales, leasing, car dealership: -sale of new and used cars - vehicle repairs of all brands -warranty and post-warranty repairs for brand Nissan -sale of originals and non-originals parts -accessories - American cars -Infiniti, Hummer, Mustang, etc. - geometry adjustment -tire service - car service, car repair shop -painting - body work -inspections and preparation…