Car glass

You need new car glass? Take advantage of the services involving the sale of car glass, installation, tinting, repair and replacement of windscreens, side and rear glasses for passenger cars, including contractual service insurance, windscreen insurance and liquidation of insured events

Tomáš Krejčí

CAR GLASS - sale and installation on all types of cars, with free car glass replacement insurance - we will handle all formalities with the insurance company Sale: -used, used cars -imports from the EU - AIR CONDITIONING -compulsory liability and accident insurance -leasing. Comprehensive car service, plastic welding

LUKÁŠ AUTO - Lukáš Urbánek

Práce, prodej, servis: -chiptuning se specializací na vozidla koncernu VW -náhradní díly na vozy všech značek + montáž -kontrola a výměna veškerých náplní ve vašem vozidle -servis a prodej olejů Castrol (pro velkoodběratele výrazné slevy) - čepy, výfuky, brzdy, řemeny, poloosy, tlumiče, řízení, těsnění atp. -autosklo servis – výměna, tónování, pískování autoskel -prodej a montáž tažných…

APL CARS s.r.o.

Services: -passenger service + light truck -tire repairs -complete 4-tire change, including valves from CZK 400 -car service -autodiagnostics -autoskloservis-including settlement of insurance events -ensuring emissions and demonstrating the car to the MOT -tuning, installation of car accessories, alarms, control panels, GPS -cleaning the car interior -hand car wash and paint polishing …

CAR - STYLE automateriál - Jiří Voják

Wholesale, retail, sales: - ŠKODA spare parts and accessories (Š120 Superb) -car bulbs (6V, 12V, 24V) -ignition cables (TESLA) -spark and glow plugs (BRISK, NGK) - AKUMA starter battery - PEWAG snow chains -original car parts and accessories for foreign vehicles (ELIT, BREMBO) - car cosmetics and chemical preparations - auto glass for all types of cars, trucks and buses. -roof boxes,…

Zahrádka s.r.o.

Retail sales: -car parts of all brands -car accessories -tire Car service, car repair: -measurement of emissions -tire service -geometry of wheels -diagnostics of motors and electronic systems -repairs of diesel injection pumps Motorpal -preparation and provision of MOT -gluing car windows -air conditioning Opening hours - shop: Mon-Fri: 8-12; Sat: 8-11h Opening hours -…


Work, assembly: - tinting of car windows - sun protection foil, private - sandblasted glass - protective and safety foils - foil advertising, advertising cut from self-adhesive foil - car glass, car glass - tinting of car windows, coding, interior cleaning - Free replacement of windows with compulsory liability, accident insurance, additional insurance. - Arrival from…

KIRUNA Finance a.s.

Car service: -geometry - diagnosis of the chassis - diagnosis of brakes - serial diagnostics -tire service -geometry - air conditioning service - auto glass replacements - installation of car accessories - car and interior washing - picking up and dropping off the car - provision of MOT - ensuring emissions measurement, Vysočina, Jihlava. Tire service and Mobile truck tire…

Vlastimil Krul

Our company AUTOSERVIS KRUL has been providing you with all service work for all makes of vehicles since 1991. In our car service and tire service, in addition to regular service, we also offer all mechanical work, body work, painting work, car electronics, windshield replacement, cleaning and air conditioning repairs. We will also provide installation, welding of plastics and sale of all car…

Z TRANS s.r.o.

AUTODOPRAVA NÁKLADNÍ, SPEDICE, LOGISTIKA: - přeprava nákladů do všech zemí EU i mimo ni - hlavní destinací firmy jsou SRN, Nizozemí, Belgie, Rakousko - letecká i námořní doprava kusového zboží nebo velkého kontejneru z celého světa (spedičně) - nadrozměrné náklady - dovoz zboží s označením ADR (nebezpečné) - skladování ve vlastní skladové hale - firma je pojištěna (náklad, havarijní…

Auto Renova - Jiří Karkulík

Přerušení provozování živnosti oznámené podnikatelem: od 05.03.2013 do 31.12.2017 Partner firmy Meteor. Maloobchod, prodej: -náhradní díly na osobní auta všech značek řemeny klínové a rozvodové filtry olejové, vzduchové, palivové brzdové destičky, čelisti, kotouče ložiska kol chladiče tlumiče výfuků a pérování termostaty oleje Orlen, TEXACO…


- auto glass replacement - autoskal repairs - toning - glass insurance - wholesale of auto glass for auto repair shops - auto glass replacement by the next day - sale and installation of skylights - VIN CODE etching If you are insured, you do not need to go to the insurance company, we will arrange everything for you. We are a contract repair shop for all insurance companies …

Zbyněk Pavlů

CAR GLASS SERVICE Sales and assembly: - auto glass, auto glass for all types of domestic and foreign cars (front, side and rear). - security coding by etching the VIN. Crack repairs. Contractual partner of insurance companies - we negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf when replacing the auto glass.