Cleaning services

You don't have time to clean? Take advantage of cleaning services including window washing, staircases and mirrors, cleaning of carpets, floors and seats, dusting, ironing, washing dishes, general cleaning of bathrooms and kitchens, disinfection and impregnation of surfaces and other necessary services.

Stanislav Štýbr

Velkoobchod, maloobchod: -doplňky sanitární techniky -dávkovače -vysoušeče -ventily -infrabaterie -puzzle -umělé květiny -ventilátory -úklidová technika -mopy -čisticí přípravky. Práce: -ultračištění vertikálních žaluzií -koberců. Prodej: -výpočetní a kancelářská technika -Ústí nad Labem, Mírové náměstí 33 tel.: 475220211.

Jaroslav Pouzar

Work: -ecological disposal of car wrecks and waste - ground work - drainage of construction sites - technical reclamation -demolition, cleaning work -assembly, dismantling of steel structures - working with a crane.

USIR s.r.o.

USIR s.r.o. provides its clients with reliable security services. We provide comprehensive security of buildings and protection of buildings, property management and maintenance, cleaning service, detective services, personal protection or armed escorts. We operate throughout the Czech Republic, within the European Union and selected services and worldwide. The head office of the company can be…

Technické služby města Mostu, a.s.

Technical services of the city of Most, manage city property and perform maintenance activities. We manage local roads, including traffic signs and winter and summer maintenance. Furthermore, our activities include the management of public spaces, parks and urban greenery, including urban furniture (benches, trash cans, information and orientation systems), playgrounds, municipal cemeteries, …

Štíbr Jiří

Cleaning work for companies, organizations and private individuals: - cleaning of carpets and upholstered furniture - washing windows and shop windows - cleaning after painting and reconstructions, constructions - housekeeper - cleaning of cellars, attics and apartments. Rental: - cleaning machines for carpets and upholstery