
Child care includes not only the sitter and pick them up from school or from the rings, but also active activities, such as board games, going for walks, or learning new things. Your child therefore you can safely entrust to qualified and experienced professionals.

Vesněnka, o.p.s.

Villager - help for families - babysitting service in Brno and surroundings in a home environment. One-off babysitting in the child's home environment, long-term babysitting in the child's home environment, accompanying or picking up children from school, kindergarten, clubs. Tutoring of elementary school curriculum in the home environment. Ability to communicate in a foreign language. Caring…

Veronika Ohlídalová Spurná

Jesličky Betynka, a family-type facility with year-round operation. Mini-school. It provides all-day care and occasional babysitting for children from birth to 5 years of age, including individual comprehensive nursing care for a sick child in a home environment.

Veronika Ohlídalová Spurná

Betynka creche, family-type facility with year-round operation. Mini-school. It provides all-day care and occasional babysitting for children from birth to 5 years of age, including individual comprehensive nursing care for a sick child in a home environment.

MRŇOUSEK Havířov s.r.o. - Jesle Havířov

Mrňousek Nursery in Havířov all day babysitting for very young children aged 1 to 3 years. The main task of the creche is to make it easier for employed parents to take care of the child and at the same time to participate in its all-round development. During the stay in kindergarten, we make sure that the child acquires new skills in accordance with the developmental phase in which he finds…

RODINKA rodinné centrum - Duha klub

Rodinka family center is a club for parents with children, in which our main goal is to harmonize the family climate and prevent crisis situations. DUHA club for parents with children: - programs for families with children - one-day, weekend and weekly stays in nature or by the sea - infant swimming at home - exercise for parents with children from 3 months - lectures and discussions on…

BABY RESORT, z.s. - Dětská skupina

At BABY RESORT Olomouc, we offer parents care for young children by qualified caregivers who work with respect for children's needs, especially in the form of play. We create the program in our children's group in such a way that all the senses are involved. We teach children through experience so that they can better acquire skills and experience. We are patient with children, we teach them to…

Bibi - Jane s.r.o.

Naše soukromá mateřská školka Bibi - Jane je tu pro Vás a Vaše děti. Kapacita naší školičky je 17 dětí pro každodenní docházku. Potřebujete hlídání dětí i v sobotu nebo děti nemůžete vyzvednout? Zajistíme Vám chůvu na hlídání i domů nebo Vám děti přivezeme. Fungujeme i jako letní školička v červenci a srpnu. Nabízíme také baletní školu pro děti a péči a pomoc seniorům a jejich rodinám. …