Telecommunication and transmission services

Telecommunication and communication services include not only the classic telephone connections, but also internet companies and households, cable and digital television or the implementation of multimedia networks or other broadcasting and radiocommunication services.

Quantcom, a.s. - Telekomunikační operátor Praha, Brno

An alternative telecommunication operator. VOICE SERVICES - ISDN30.WAY Optimum solution of your company telephone services by ISDN30 line connection - CALL.WAY PLUS Solution of your voice services by using operator dialling code - VOIP.WAY Direct connection telephone service implemented via Internet connection - ISDN2.WAY Optimum solution of your company telephone services by ISDN2…

Midvest s.r.o.

Midvest s.r.o.: Společnost Midvest s.r.o. je obchodně inženýrskou organizací se sídlem v Praze. Její činnost se zaměřuje na realitní a telekomunikační projekty. Zde jsou některé klíčové aspekty jejich činnosti: Realitní projekty: - Projektová příprava staveb: Midvest poskytuje projekční přípravu pro stavební a územní řízení. To zahrnuje návrhy dispozičních řešení a pasportizaci objektů. …


Services: - operation of a mobile virtual operator and provision of mobile telecommunication services under the Relax Mobil brand - Call Center operation -Back Office - administration of contracts - complete management of the contractual relationship with the customer - selection of employees and AC - project management. Branch: Bratislavská 1/6, 695 01 Hodonín

Nordic Telecom Regional s.r.o.

Nordic Telecom Regional s.r.o. Prague We are a Czech provider of telecommunications services that offers services in the 3.7 GHz band, optical network, high-quality WiFi technology. We provide a state-of-the-art network that provides a reliable high-speed connection over the air. We also offer a fixed connection to the xDSL Internet and we also operate as a full-fledged virtual mobile operator.

Garadic, s.r.o.

Assembly, delivery - GPS systems - security of private air transport Delivery, construction - systems for warning and informing the population - tracking and localization within radio and other networks Delivery, installation - safety locks Delivery - radio station - systems for warning and informing the population Construction - radio communication networks.