Storage, Warehousing

Storage is the foundation of logistics, so logistics companies will offer the possibility of storing goods in their warehouses with 24-hour access, online data about the state of the stocks and with the possibility of any manipulation with the goods. Transport to the warehouse is secured by the trucks.

Miroslav Staněk

Road freight transport Demolition and site preparation Repair and maintenance of motor vehicles, except motorcycles Retail trade with used goods in stores Storage and ancillary activities in transport

EC Logistics s.r.o.

Services: - storage of goods - comprehensive transport - logistics services - modern, safe storage of goods in a temperate hall - storage, handling service - packaging and repackaging of goods - foiling, repackaging into other packaging materials, on other pallets - quality control of goods - the product is accepted and released to the warehouse in the required condition, without…

Deufol Česká republika s.r.o. z Brna - výroba, balení a sklad

Návrh a realizaci všestranných obalových řešení na míru, která vyhovují těm nejnáročnějším kritériím, zajišťuje firma Deufol Česká republika s.r.o. z Brna. Kromě průmyslových balení se postaráme zároveň o logistiku, efektivní supply chain i skladování. Na pobočce v Moravském Krumlově zajišťujeme výrobu, balení a a skladové prostory.

Družstvo Holasice

It offers properties for rent -sale, rental of real estate -logistics services: (storage of goods and handling) -Storage, registration of goods, connections with customer registration via the Internet, goods insurance, mediation transport, other activities by agreement. -shop, sale of building materials -walling materials, concrete products, plaster mixtures, construction…

RPS logistic s.r.o.

Forwarding, road transport / road haulage / trucking, freight forwarding, logistics: -high quality vehicle fleet of contractual carriers -constant contact with drivers -transport by "Just in Time" way -goods insurance up to CZK 10 million -full service in all sectors of transport - land transport, air transport, shipping, sea transport, rail transport -freight transport - domestic and…

RPS logistic s.r.o.

Shipping, trucking, forwarding: -high quality of the fleet of contracted carriers -constant contact with drivers -transport by "Just in time" method - insurance of goods up to a value of 10 million CZK - complete service in all sectors transport-land transport, air, ship rail transport -haulage - collection service in the CZ, D, NL, B session -transportation of excessive costs,…

MESPEDO s.r.o.

Autodoprava, doprava, spedice, celní služby -přeprava jakýchkoliv zásilek -vozidla o užitečné hmotnosti od 0, 5t do 25t -možnost přepravy nebezpečného zboží dle úmluvy ADR -zajištění nadrozměrné přepravy -vytěžování. Zasílatelství: -obstarání dopravy pro přímé dovozce nebo vývozce, pro partnerské spediční firmy tuzemské i zahraniční -silniční doprava do celé Evropy a…