Social services

Social services are aimed at the person, and therefore include wedding services, funeral services, babysitting and ensuring entertainment events. In the case of weddings, visit the wedding studio, where you help with the organisation, the choice of dress, rings, decorations and the like.

Ing. Pavlína Trávníčková

Babysitting agency. Babysitting in your home Babysitting in a small children's group Regular and occasional surveillance Watch day and night Looking after sick children Babysitting in foreign-speaking families Tutoring in the scope of the primary school curriculum and school preparation Accompaniment to extracurricular activities (interest groups, cultural events, etc.) Pick up from…

NFCP rental equipment s.r.o. - Pronájem a prodej cateringového vybavení

Rental and sale of catering inventory and furniture for corporate and private events - weddings, birthdays and other celebrations or parties (without catering). Rent all the equipment and decorations for social events and provide everything needed to serve dishes. We provide services on a turnkey basis - we bring everything to a selected place and take it again after the event. You will find…

Jan Malucha

Kamenosochařstvívýroba a opravy - pomníky - kuchyňské a barové desky z kamene Výroba a opravy - kuchyňské a barové desky z kamene Výroba a opravy - pomníky Restaurátorské práce

Roman Liška

Dodávková doprava Hodinový manžel - malířské práce Hodinový manžel - truhlářské práce Hodinový manžel - elektroinstalační práce Pokládka (hodinový manžel) - koberce Hodinový manžel - elektroinstalační práce - instalatérské práce - truhlářské práce - zámečnické práce - malířské práce - autodoprava -…

Ján Dvorský

Hourly husband services: - complete assembly of furniture of all manufacturers - installation of cornices, hanging curtains - minor furniture repairs - minor building modifications - drilling holes in panels and tiles - electrical repairs - replacement of sockets, switches or light bulbs - installation of lights -plumbing work - clogged waste, repair of faucets, showers and toilet…