
Service sector or tertiary includes social services, advertising, mailing services, design services, customs services, consulting services, staffing services, outsourcing, packaging services, shipping services, logistics services, cleaning services and many more.

SEVEROČESKÁ PAPÍRNA, s. r.o. - Výroba a prodej šedé strojní lepenky

Our company NORTH BOHEMIA PAPER, s r.o. z Novosedlice is engaged in the production and sale of cardboard or cardboard. We also buy and then recycle waste paper, we also shred. The current production is focused on the production of smooth machine board. You can choose from several colors (gray, brown-gray, brown-brown, white-gray) and weights (300 - 900 g / m2). We also offer cardboard from…

VUHU a.s.

Research Institute for Brown Coal a.s. Research Institute for Brown Coal a.s. was founded in Most in 1953 as a special - purpose organization of mines in the North Bohemian Brown Coal Basin for solving complex issues of development, especially quarrying of brown coal. As of May 1, 1992, the institute was registered in the Commercial Register as a joint-stock company. The main…

LITOPAP spol.s r.o. - Výroba papírových obalů Litoměřice

Production, printing:  - cardboard boxes  - self-adhesive labels, including bar codes  - packaging of 3, 5 and 7-layer cardboard (boxes, interlayers)  - printed matter, leaflets, catalogs, forms  - Promotional items.   Wholesale, ordering office- Litomerice, Mirove namesti 25 (1st floor):  - tabulation and NCR * paper  - xerographic and facsimile paper  - envelopes and shopping bags  …

ZDEMAR CZECH s.r.o. - autodoprava

Company ZDEMAR Ústí nad Labem s.r.o. provides a wide range of services within its activities. We are engaged in the transport of bulk materials, pallet goods, liquid materials and we also have a license to export ADR goods and waste. We also produce wood briquettes RUF and firewood. We offer storage space in our LogisticPark ZDEMAR in Chabařovice and many other services. You can find us at…

Buchen Ekoservis s.r.o.

The supplier Buchen Ekoservis s.r.o. provides services in the field of industrial cleaning of large industrial buildings with the help of suction dredgers and high-pressure equipment. We can clean air coolers, distillation columns, piping systems, silos, pressure vessels and heat exchangers. We are located at Vrchlického 600, Lom u Mostu. Jobs, services: - industrial cleaning of large…

Ekoselect a.s.

Ekoselect a.s. je společnost, která se zabývá separovaným sběrem a recyklací odpadu. Cílem firmy je chránit životní prostředí a snižovat dopad odpadů na přírodu. Nabízí širokou škálu služeb pro soukromé i firemní zákazníky, jako jsou návrh systému sběru odpadů, zajištění svozu a zpracování odpadu, vedení odpadového hospodářství, pronájem kontejnerů a podpora ekologických projektů. …

CHEMTEC projekty s.r.o. - architektonická a projekční činnost

The company CHEMTEC projekty s.r.o. based in the district of Ústí nad Labem deals with all architectural and design activities. We mainly offer our customers project activities in the field of steel and concrete structures and structures of wooden halls. We also provide our customers with rental of real estate, apartments and non-residential premises, as well as construction activities, such as…

TurboDevils s.r.o.

Hledáte spolehlivou a profesionální firmu, která se zabývá vnitrostátní nákladní autodopravou, odtahovou službou, půjčováním dodávek, ekologickou likvidací automobilů a autovraků a údržbou komunikací? Pak je pro vás správnou volbou TurboDevils s.r.o. se sídlem v Proboštově. TurboDevils s.r.o. je firma s dlouholetou tradicí a zkušenostmi v oblasti dopravy a aut. Nabízí širokou škálu služeb pro…

SANACE PO s.r.o.

Activity - rehabilitation of buildings after fires and floods - fire protection and health and safety - sales, repairs, inspections of fire extinguishers - deratization, disinfection, disinsection - elimination of accidents. Technical office - address: Tovární 5751, 430 01 Chomutov.

CANNONEER group s.r.o.

CANNONEER group s.r.o. is focused on purchase, processing, treatment and sale of scrap metal. Our other activities include dismantling, demolition of buildings, recycling of rubble, heavy transport and disposal of transformers. You can find our center in Horní Jiřetín. Purchase, purchase, processing, resale:  - scrap metal  - scrap metal, scrap   - iron, aluminum, copper, stainless steel  …

Martin Hakl - výkup železa, barevných kovů

Our main activity is the purchase of iron, non-ferrous metals, paper and car batteries. We also offer ecological disposal of vehicles. We provide our own collection of iron. We weigh the material on regularly calibrated digital scales where you can always see the dial. We own entry weights up to 30,000kg, weights 1 - 3000kg and weights 0.1 - 300kg We pay the money to your bank account or…

Vladimír Okuliár - výškové a řemeslné práce

Hledáte firmu, která vám zvládne jakékoliv práce ve výškách i na zemi? Pak jste na správné adrese! Firma Vladimír Okuliár - výškové a řemeslné práce vám nabízí širokou škálu služeb, které splní vaše požadavky a představy. Ať už potřebujete opravit střechu, vyčistit okapy, odstranit plíseň z fasády, umýt okna nebo prosklené plochy, instalovat zábrany proti ptákům nebo renovovat plechovou…

Cinex, s.r.o.

We are a modern transport company engaged in international road haulage throughout the European Union. Our work is the planning and implementation of goods transport with our own semi-trailers, including heavy and oversized loads. We do not focus only on the actual transport of goods, but also on advice on legislation and conditions of road transport, on the preparation of cargo before…

Elena Kazakova

IndigoFactory je tisková laboratoř, designové studio a obchod. Specializujeme se na látky, jako je velvet, softshell, ortalion, krep, mikrovlákno, hedvábí, kočárkovina, blackout a mnoho dalších, nabízíme je v našem e-shopu a doručujeme po celé České republice a Evropě. V naší široké nabídce naleznete látky na závěsy, čalounění, kočárky, i látky na oblečení pro ty, kteří chtějí vyjádřit svou…