
Service sector or tertiary includes social services, advertising, mailing services, design services, customs services, consulting services, staffing services, outsourcing, packaging services, shipping services, logistics services, cleaning services and many more.

Mascotte, s.r.o.

We are a team of experts with almost 20 years of experience in the field of organizing fairs and exhibitions. We implemented several very successful projects and participated in the creation of several of them. One of the most successful was certainly the show of exclusive car, motorcycle and lifestyle brands mmotion, in the Trade Fair Palace in Prague, which our company was at the birth of in…

Martin Švestka

Manipulace s kontejnery - odvoz sutě Autodoprava - nákladní Prodej - písek - štěrk - sypký stavební materiál (kačírek, recyklát, písek, štěrk) Prodej - palivové dřevo Úklidy a odvoz sněhu Prodej - sypký stavební materiál Inženýrská činnost Demolice Zemní práce pomocí stroje MINIBAGR NEUSON, LOCUST - vyrovnávání půdy - skrývky - ornice -…

Martin Ondřej

Proposals - turnkey constructions - reconstruction of objects - construction and finishing works Height work - anchoring technology, direct assembly, fastening of various materials using nails into concrete or steel, special network systems - provision of emergency conditions of objects - damaged roofs - balustrades - statues - chimneys - cornices -…