
Service sector or tertiary includes social services, advertising, mailing services, design services, customs services, consulting services, staffing services, outsourcing, packaging services, shipping services, logistics services, cleaning services and many more.

Jaroslav Štec

Reklamní činnost: -plošný sítotisk -reklamní předměty -potisk textilu (triček-trička apod.) -grafické návrhy -polep automobilů -samolepky -firemní štíty -tištěná reklama (tisk vizitek-vizitky, teláků-letáky aj.).

HCV group a.s.

Operating room. Retail, sales, service: - computing technology, computers, PC (hardware, software) - computer sets AUTOCONT - ACER laptops - assembling computers to order - cash register systems - industrial attendance systems. Development, production, sales, training: - software (SW) for restaurants, hotels - authorized POS and warehouse system HOSPODA. Headquarters: -…

Alois Kresta

Alois Kresta provides comprehensive services in the area of rodent control, disinsection and disinfection around Nový Jičín. We focus on killing rodents, insects (such as hornets) or bedbugs. We also carry out the disposal of pathogens or treatment and protection of wood. Services, work: - DDD - rodent control - disinsection - disinfection - wood treatment and protection. Pest control:…

TEL COMP - Hugo Kubizňák

Maloobchod, prodej, servis, oprava: -televizory, videa, videokamery, satelity, audio technika, autorádia -výpočetní technika (počítače, PC) -kancelářská technika -notebooky, tiskárny, kopírky, kalkulačky, diáře, faxy, telefony, záznamníky. Prodej, montáž, výkup, bazar, poradenství, oprava, servis: -mobilní telefony GSM sítě Telefónica O2(EUROTEL). -příslušenství -hands…

Město Frenštát pod Radhoštěm - Technické služby města

The organizational component of the Frenštát pod Radhoštěm Municipal Office. Technical Services: - management and maintenance of roads and local roads, including their cleaning and winter maintenance - removal of municipal and household waste - maintenance and establishment of public greenery (grass cutting, etc.), reclamation - maintenance and repairs of public lighting and light…