
Service sector or tertiary includes social services, advertising, mailing services, design services, customs services, consulting services, staffing services, outsourcing, packaging services, shipping services, logistics services, cleaning services and many more.

Sdružení pro veletrhy dětské knihy v Liberci, spolek

As the name suggests, the Association for Children's Book Fairs in Liberec deals with the regular organization of the children's book fair and the Children's Reading Festival, where participants can meet writers and illustrators of children's books in person. Services: - organization of the Children's Book Fair - Children's Reading Festival, where participants can meet writers and…

Jitka Cejnarová

Prodej - kosmetika pro pravidelnou péči i líčení Kosmetický salon - ošetření pleti značkovou kosmetikou - salonní regenerační kůry SOTHYS Paris - mikromasáže očního okolí odstraní únavu očí, váčky a vrásky - epilace voskem - denní a večerní líčení - lepení řas - trvalá na řasy - zábaly nohou celulitida, křečové žíly, únava