
Service sector or tertiary includes social services, advertising, mailing services, design services, customs services, consulting services, staffing services, outsourcing, packaging services, shipping services, logistics services, cleaning services and many more.

Miroslav Opava - - autodoprava, zemní práce

The company Miroslav Opava offers professional services in the field of earthworks and trucking. Our other activities include building demolition, snow removal, rubble recycling and the sale of sand and aggregates. You will find our office in Mariánské Lázně. Earthworks: - excavations, dredging - work with an excavator - soil extraction - cleaning of ponds. Trucking: - transport…

Misot, s.r.o.

Environmental impact assessment. Geological work in the field of engineering geology and hydrogeology. Engineering activity in investment construction. Mining activity - activity carried out in a mining manner. Professional courses, training, educational events including lecturing activities.

Solidwerk s.r.o.

Among the business activities of Solidwerk s.r.o. from Nejdek includes handicraft and assembly work in the field of small electrical components. Another of our activities is the sale and installation of antenna and satellite technology. We are a partner of Skylink satellite services. Activities of our company: - assembly, handicraft work in the field of small electrical components,…

Sportinvesta, s.r.o.

-Výroba brusiv a ostatních minerálních nekovových výrobků -Broušení technického a šperkového kamene -Výroba a hutní zpracování železa, drahých a neželezných kovů a jejich slitin -Výroba kovových konstrukcí a kovodělných výrobků -Umělecko-řemeslné zpracování kovů -Povrchové úpravy a svařování kovů a dalších materiálů -Výroba elektronických součástek, elektrických zařízení a výroba a opravy…

SINDUL s.r.o.

Personnel agency. Employment Agency. Mediation - job offers, employment. Services: - management, processing of accounting - keeping tax records, processing tax returns.