Jan Jiránek
Služby, návrhy, realizace: - průmyslový design - architektura - interiéry - expozice - reklamní design - design prostředků na podporu prodeje.
Služby, návrhy, realizace: - průmyslový design - architektura - interiéry - expozice - reklamní design - design prostředků na podporu prodeje.
Development - program for double-entry bookkeeping KYTICKA Development - database applications - programs for community of owners, housing cooperatives and municipal water supply - program for registration of donors at non-profit organizations ROLNIČKA
Tvorba, design - výroba - www stránky
Sale - computing - PC - monitors - printers - computer assemblies Service - computing - PC - monitors - printers - computer assemblies Installation - computer networks
Services: - Advertising Agency - large format printing - cut advertising - T-shirt printing
Sales, repair, service: - sprayers - spare parts - dewdrops - pumps, pumps Locksmithing, metal production and metal machining.
Family services provide complete services for families and households, from securing a new job opportunity, including retraining, through care services, babysitting and service activities for the family and household, to the clearance of estates and real estate after eviction.
Moderátor a diskžokej.
Services: - design and implementation of interiors
Services: - carpet cleaning - cleaning floors and floor coverings - washing windows and shop windows, hygienic service, maintenance of public spaces, cleaning of sidewalks or snow removal.
Activity: - development and distribution of the OCEP program - a comprehensive tool for creating price offers and calculations in the assembly fields of ELECTRICAL and WATER-HEATING-GAS - training
Advertising activity Offset printing Web design
Celní služby Nákladní letecká přeprava Autodoprava - silniční (mezinárodní a vnitrostátní) Spedice Pronájem - teleskopické pracovní plošiny Obchodní činnost
Activity: - IT services - software development - creation of web presentations - supplies of computer equipment
Activity: - transport and logistics services - national and international freight transport - express transport - forwarding - storage - moving
Moderator, communication specialist, personal fitness and running coach. Moderation: - balls, graduation balls - fashion shows, advertising events - press conferences, children's days, running races, roadshows, etc. Fitness lessons: - fit round - fascial relaxation - H.E.A.T.