
Service sector or tertiary includes social services, advertising, mailing services, design services, customs services, consulting services, staffing services, outsourcing, packaging services, shipping services, logistics services, cleaning services and many more.

Business Events Concept, s. r. o.

Business Events Group is a business group whose team specializes in the creative and implementation of completely new types of business, professional, sports and social projects for demanding clients. We create programs for the world's largest events, fairs and congresses. We organize exhibitions and workshops in the Czech Republic and abroad, including production, graphic design and transport…

Mawerick BPM, s.r.o.

The company Mawerick s.r.o. was founded in November 2007, with headquarters in the village of Rovinka in Slovakia. Through its partner company Mawerick BPM, s.r.o. based in Prague, also operates within the Czech Republic. Maverick s.r.o. and Mawerick BPM, s.r.o. are young, courageous and open companies, operating on the Slovak, Czech and Serbian markets in the field of consultancy and…

Helpdesk s.r.o.

Work at height - risky felling and pruning of trees, repairs and cleaning of gutters and other plumbing work, painting, removal of snow and ice from roofs, window washing, installation of bird barriers, installation of data converters, camera system and other work at heights.

KF Trans s.r.o.

Pest control, disinsection and disinfection Arrival within 2 hours of calling. We perform deratization of mice, rats and rats. Furthermore, disinsection of bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, wasps and ants, harmful microorganisms and pathogens. We provide these services both in households and commercial buildings. Many years of experience and references on the web.

Totůšek Vladislav

Provádím dezinfekce vnitřního vodovodního potrubí v rodinných domcích, školách, veřejných budovách, atp., včetně vystavení protokolu o dezinfekci a zajištění odběru vzorku vody a následného rozboru.Dále servis, montáž a návrhy úpraven vody a drobné instalatérské práce spojené s výše uvedeným.Oblast Praha a Středočeský kraj, mimo uvedenou oblast po dohodě.

miraclIS, SE

miraclIS, SE poskytuje rozsáhlé skupině zákazníků služby podpory a implementace podnikových informačních systémů na platformě SAP a branžových řešení na platformě SAP, jejíž standardní součástí je poradenství o možnostech, výhodách a případně i rizicích nasazení SAP včetně optimalizace procesů.