Ing. Jan Krbec
Reklamní agentura Slepotisk Tisk - vizitky Grafický ateliér
Reklamní agentura Slepotisk Tisk - vizitky Grafický ateliér
Photo studio - advertisement - photographic services - photography and photography - advertising photo - product photo Reports Cover design - designs and implementation of packaging for products, including graphic works Creation - logos - advertising printed materials - catalogues - information leaflets - menu Graphic Design - graphic work -…
Transcription of LP vinyls to CD, photo printing, sale of RC models and accessories for 3D printers.
Production: - printed matter - boxes -bags -business cards -magazines - flyers
Activity: - production of stamps - plotter carving - laser engraving - printing - promotional items - DTP studio - website creation
Výroba - vizitky, letáky, prospekty Webdesign
Digitální tisk Ofsetová tiskárna - letáky - pořadače - vizitky Grafické práce Knihařské práce
Printing - business cards - prospectuses - leaflets - catalogues Graphic designs - company logos Creation - web pages, web design.
Tisk vlastních titulů Výroba - vzdělávací multimedia a elektronické hudebniny
Printing - wedding announcement
Videoprodukce Tisk - letáky - katalogy - pohlednice - kalendáře Grafický design Virtuální prohlídky - webdesign
Imprint - T-shirts Implementation of paper printing Design services - invitations - notification - packaging - wallpapers, ... Web design
Production of plastic - billboard - stickers and cars - banners Textile print Production - business cards - price tags Graphic designs
Výroba - razitka TRODAT Polygrafická výroba
Ofsetový tisk - plnobarevný ofsetový tisk do formátu B1 - hlavičkové papíry - formuláře - návody - firemní desky - letáky - plakáty - manuály - brožury - kalendáře - diáře - časopisy - prospekty - katalogy - ceníky - knihy - publikace - čtyřbarevné tiskoviny -…
Production - stamps for the needs of the MV Polygraphic activity for the needs of the Ministry of the Interior Publishers and publishing houses (FOR the needs of the MV)
Printer: - digital and offset printing - bookbinding processing - creation of print data - cut of atypical shapes - assembly of printed matter
Polygrafická výroba
Výroba - dárkové obaly Výroba - leporelo - skláčky Grafický designvýroba - přání
Framing: - photo sale - wooden frames - clip fix glass. Wholesale, retail: - video devices. Making: - photography - calendars. Photographed: - children - glamor - family - weddings, ... digitization - manufacturing negatives - graduation board. Wholesale, retail: - photographic material. Rental, production, distribution: -…
Advertising Agency. Illuminated advertising Printing - business cards - leaflets - posters - annual reports - graphic studio designs - invitations - calendars.
Artistic painting works of original wall paintings Printing - polygraphy Graphics studio - production - animation - logos - including 3D animation and visualization Publishing Creation - websites