Ecology and wastes

Waste disposal, sorting and recycling – the three basic pillars of ecology. The company shall ensure the collection or removal of waste from the enterprises, its sorting, processing and subsequent environmentally friendly disposal, possible recycling.

Technická správa města Loun s.r.o.

The company Technická správa města Loun s.r.o. performs maintenance and repairs of roads, maintenance of public greenery, public lighting, is also in charge of the administration of cemeteries, operates a reclamation dump and parking for trucks and cars. The cleaning and maintenance center mainly provides block cleaning of local roads, winter road maintenance, towing service, and also operates…

Ing. Jiří Rous - PIREO

Services: - we will process the projection in capital construction - we will prepare professional assessments related to ecology and the environment - we will process projects and studies focused on water systems and landscape engineering - consulting in the field - we carry out engineering work - we carry out management of protected areas, revitalization of water systems, construction…

Vilém Jungbauer

Výkup kovového odpadu - výkup elektro šrotu - likvidace technologických zařízení - odvoz kovového odpadu - lisování plechového odpadu - výkup Cu** kabelů - zpracování Cu** odpadu - nakládka kovového odpadu mechanizací ATLAS - výkup železa a barevných kovů - výkup drahých kovů a jejich směsí - likvidace elektromateriálů - jističe, stykače, tel. ústředny - likvidace…

Marius Pedersen a.s.

Container service. Waste disposal. Transportation and registration of waste. Collection, sorting and utilization of waste. Ecological consulting. Remediation of landfills. Comprehensive services in waste management. Maintenance of greenery and public lighting. Road repairs. Summer and winter road maintenance. Working with the platform. Public lighting.

Demonta T, s.r.o. - Výkup papíru a barevných kovů Louny

Demonta T, s.r.o. focuses on the purchase of paper, ferrous metal, non-ferrous metals and waste at its Louny branch. We are also the place of take-back of electrical equipment and batteries. We will deliver a container to production companies that produce large amounts of scrap metal, ensure its collection and disposal of scrap metal. We buy from companies and individuals: - iron - Non…