Ecology and wastes

Waste disposal, sorting and recycling – the three basic pillars of ecology. The company shall ensure the collection or removal of waste from the enterprises, its sorting, processing and subsequent environmentally friendly disposal, possible recycling.

TEPVOS, spol. s r.o.

The TEPVOS city company manages services for citizens and visitors of the city in these areas. Recreation services, Municipal services, Water services and Energy services. The aim of the Recreational Services section is to manage the city's recreational and sports facilities. Year-round, regular and quality provision of recreational and sports activities for residents and visitors of the city.…

SAPA - LPJ, spol.s r.o. - Pozemní stavby Vysoké Mýto

Construction company SAPA - LPJ, spol.s.r.o. - we carry out construction and construction, reconstruction and modernization:  - communication  - buildings for housing, trade and services  - Local roads, squares and utilities  - transport and civil engineering works  - roads, sidewalks, parking areas, parking lots  - laying of sewers, cables  - earthwork and paving  - industrial and…

Michal PIRKL - Výkup kovového odpadu Lanškroun

Purchase of scrap metal:  - stainless steel, cast iron, steel  - waste iron  - Non-ferrous metals  - aluminum, copper, bronze, brass, lead, zinc, tin, etc.  - cables  - disposal of metal structures  - disposal of machinery  - Cable processing  - Delivery of the scrap metal container  - the sale of raw materials to processors and other traders. Citizens can return unnecessary…

Vodní zdroje Ekomonitor, s.r.o.

The company Vodní zdroje Ekomonitor based in the Chrudim district deals with the liquidation of ecological burdens by means of modern remediation procedures; we maintain a continuous emergency service for leaks of harmful substances and we implement water treatment plants. We conduct hydrogeological surveys and search for and manufacture new water sources, water mains and sewers. We carry out…

VERAN s.r.o.

Purchase: - scrap metal - non-ferrous metals - waste paper - ecological disposal of car wrecks - operation of an advertising server - disassembly of technological units. Establishments: Veran s.r.o., U Vápenky 146, Chrudim 3 537 01 605 826 000 Veran s.r.o., Úhřetice 139, Chrudim, 538 21 739 075 069 Veran s.r.o., Gregorova 9, Netolice 384 11 739 708 050

DŘEVOKUČERA s.r.o. - stavební činnost

We are a company that deals with works in the field of construction and other related fields. We carry out demolition work with our own equipment, but we also buy used construction material. We also carry out masonry and construction work, or concreting. We sort the debris and recycle it. Just as we sort your possible waste. We build and adjust forest roads. We carry out the construction of…


The company BAUSET CZ, a.s. is a purely Czech company founded in 1995. We mainly carry out water management, engineering, transport and building construction. We focus on products and services in the field of construction, especially earthworks and demolition work of any scale, engineering construction, land reclamation and rehabilitation. We also recycle construction debris, including the…

Matěj Minář s.r.o.

Firma Matěj Minář s.r.o. se sídlem v Pardubicích nabízí širokou škálu služeb v oblasti zemních a výkopových prací, autodopravy, likvidace odpadu, demoliční a stavební činnosti. Současně nabízíme také prodej písku a kameniva a provozujeme půjčovnu kontejnerů a stavebních strojů. V rámci stavební činnosti realizujeme např. stavbu rodinných domů na klíč, zpevňování ploch, pokládku zámkové dlažby,…

Instalatérství Jan Pavlisko

We provide complete plumbing work. We focus on the supply of water, waste and heating systems. We are able to cover plumbing and heating work from project design to complete implementation. Our work also includes repairs of broken sewers or complete reconstruction of household waste. Our activities also include sewer cleaning and milling. We deal with minor defects in households such as waste…

Vladimír Langr - Firma POHODA

Výkup druhotných surovin a odpadů: -výkup barevných kovů -papír, papíru. Chemická analýza barevných kovů pro lepší výkupní cenu. Demontáž a řezání: -ocelové konstrukce -objekty kotelen -další provozy dle dohody. Přistavení kontejnerů pro svoz šrotu: -k dispozici AVIE kontejnerová -TATRA s rukou -možnost vážení na 50t/14m kalibrované váze.

Robin Palán

Firma Robin Lačnov se sídlem v okrese Svitavy nabízí kompletní stavební práce. V rámci naší činnosti realizujeme stavby na klíč, základové desky, hrubé stavby, suché stavby, sádrokartonářské práce, zemní a výkopové práce, výkopy inženýrských sítí včetně pokládky dlažebna klíč a také ruční i strojní výkopové práce. Využíváme bagr 1, 5 tun. Současně nabízíme také rekonstrukce bytů a domů na klíč…