Ecology and wastes

Waste disposal, sorting and recycling – the three basic pillars of ecology. The company shall ensure the collection or removal of waste from the enterprises, its sorting, processing and subsequent environmentally friendly disposal, possible recycling.

VYLA s.r.o.

Služby: - přípravné práce pro stavby - specializované stavební činnosti - nakládání s odpady - silniční motorová doprava nákladní - údržba zeleně - zimní údržba.

SPRESO s.r.o.

Reclamation, rehabilitation: -all landfills -use of stabilized sludge from wastewater treatment plants -cleaning of ponds, retention tanks, riverbeds and streams -waste disposal - production of fertilizers and composts - production of artificial soils -extraction of lagoons - sale of fuels and lubricants. It offers: -cleaning ponds, riverbeds and streams - transport and…

EKO servis Zábřeh s.r.o.

Comprehensive communal services: - collection and removal of municipal waste - collection and disposal of other waste - sorted waste collection - operation of the collection yard - collection point for the return of electrical equipment - administration and maintenance of local roads, including winter maintenance - operation of the swimming pool - sale of sand, gravel.

Nature, s.r.o. - Sběr, svoz, likvidace odpadů Prostějov

The company Nature, s.r.o. deals with waste management. Provides comprehensive services in waste management, including hazardous waste disposal. We also focus on container transport not only in Prostějov, but also in Olomouc. Our services: - collection, recovery and disposal of industrial, municipal, trade, bulky and hazardous waste - container transport - waste management - delivery…

FERBO s.r.o.

Services: Purchase and processing of scrap metal: - purchase of new production metal waste from industrial enterprises - purchase of steel scrap and non-ferrous metals - processing of metal waste according to customer requirements - ensuring the delivery of containers to the customer's premises, including the removal / exchange of containers according to the customer's needs - ensuring…

Metalšrot Tlumačov a.s. - středisko Olomouc

Metalšrot a.s. Olomouc provides purchase and recycling of scrap metal, iron and non-ferrous metals. The main field is ecological disposal of car wrecks, technological units. In the Olomouc Region we have other centers:  - Hranice, Tovarni - 731428517  - Prostejov, near Stadion - 604297170  - Sumperk, Hybesova 3206/2 - 583211397. The company is based in Tlumačov. Purchase, processing,…