TSR Czech Republic, s.r.o.
Branch. Wholesale, purchase, processing, recycling, collection: - ferrous and non-ferrous metal waste - car wrecks - liquidation - railway cars.
Branch. Wholesale, purchase, processing, recycling, collection: - ferrous and non-ferrous metal waste - car wrecks - liquidation - railway cars.
Branch. Wholesale, purchase, processing, recycling, collection: - ferrous and non-ferrous metal waste - car wrecks - liquidation - railway cars.
Purchase and processing of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Ecological waste disposal and road transport We offer the purchase of metal waste at attractive prices - the purchase of iron and the purchase of non-ferrous metals at more than 40 collection points throughout the Czech Republic. Recycling and processing of metal waste, sale to smelters and foundries. Removal of metal waste in own…
We offer the purchase of metal waste at attractive prices - the purchase of iron and the purchase of non-ferrous metals at more than 40 collection points throughout the Czech Republic. Recycling and processing of metal waste, sale to smelters and foundries. Removal of metal waste in own containers for industrial enterprises.
Performed by: -lining of tanks with plastic and steel - leak signaling -revision of tanks and reservoirs -waste disposal -disposal of environmental burdens -locksmith work. Delivery, installation: -complete technological equipment gas stations. Trucking.
Removal of environmental burdens and reclamation of landfills. Sanitation. Demolition work. Transportation of waste. Ecological autism, risk analysis.
Čištění kanalizace Čerpání a odvoz fekálií-tukové lapoly Prohlídka kanalizace videokamerou (monitorování).
Services: Purchase and processing of scrap metal: - purchase of new production metal waste from industrial enterprises - purchase of steel scrap and non-ferrous metals - processing of metal waste according to customer requirements - ensuring the delivery of containers to the customer's premises, including the removal / exchange of containers according to the customer's needs - ensuring…
Purchase and processing: - scrap metal. Olomouc office U Podjezdu 1, 772 00 Olomouc tel .: 583456390; 602761647
Construction company. Construction: -buildings - transport, engineering, water, ecological. Work: -demolition, demolition -ecological recycling and disposal of construction debris and waste. Road transport, construction machinery, car service. Sale of clay.
Poradenství v oblasti životního prostředí. Sběr, zpracování: -odpad.
Collection yard. Waste disposal.
Nakládání s odpady. Provoz sběrny druhotných surovin. Provozovna: - Anenská, Opava.
Montáž, prodej: - pneumatiky - vyvažování, lepení pneu - náhradní díly - likvidace autovraků - mycí linka - možno odkup areálu, autosalonu, skladových prostor.
Technical Services. Maintenance: - roads, urban greenery, lighting - collection of household and hazardous waste - operation of cemeteries and funeral halls
Technické služby. Odvoz odpadů. Čištění komunikací a chodníků. Údržba veřejné zeleně.
Sale: - heat pumps - Solar Panels - sanitary ware.
Realizace: - dopravní stavby. Obalovna živičných směsí. Pokládání krytů vozovek. Oprava a údržba komunikací: - recyklace vozovek za studena. Recyklační dvůr stavební suti.
Výkup a prodej druhotných surovin: - železo - měď - papír.
Skládka Markvartovice.