Consultancy activity

Take advantage of the advice in the field of human resource management, investment, education, career, human resources, or when changing jobs. Get advice you can even when the interest on the financing of environmental heating or in obtaining subsidies not only on ecological construction.


FACULTATIVE COMPENSATION FOR COMPANIES - people having changed working ability PERSONNEL AGENCY - AGENCIES We employ more than 50% employees with changed working ability, it means that all activities done by the organization for a customer, using these employees, will be included for a purpose of calculation of obligatory payment into the state budget. We are able to employ, respectively…

Veronika Cafourková

Personal and partner horoscopes, solutions to partner crises and counseling in interpersonal relationships, corporate psychology and solutions to workplace relationships, interpretation of the child's nativity, astrology, horoscopes with a view to the next year, horoscopes of family members and partners....

Ladislav Julina

Lidový léčitel. Služby: -homeopatie -léčitelství, léčení, poradenství: -alergie -odblokování patogenních zón (patogenní zóny) -závislosti na kouření, alkohol, výherní automaty -ženské problémy, potíže -psychické potíže -masáže, masírování.

Krajská pedagogicko-psychologická poradna Zlín

Pedagogicko-psychologická poradna. Psychologické vyšetření. Výukové problémy: -vývojové poruchy učení -dislexie -disortografie -diskalkulace -grafomotorika -terapie -neurotické obtíže -chování, prospěch -intelekt. Poradenství: -kariérní volba -profesionální orientace -pediatři. Služby učitelům: -dislektické asistentky -semináře výchovných poradců.

ALLEGRO spol. s r.o.

Services: - public auctions, voluntary auctions - engineering activity in investment construction Management, maintenance: - own real estate. Advice: - economic, financial, entrepreneurial - in the area of software, hardware.


We provide project and grant consultancy services: - vocational training of employees, - reduction of VOCs from paint shops, - primary care for children. Among other things, you can also visit our University of Conscious Life and educational courses: - communication school, - weekend course of conscious living, - brain and self-confidence training and programming, - communication with…

MCAP, s.r.o.

Management Center of Applied Psychology: A selection of employees: - implementation of tenders - psychological diagnosis. Seminars - teaching activities in the field of personality psychology and occupational psychology. Consulting activity: - area of human resources management: - for companies, institutions, schools, students, private individuals

HEURÉKA CZ, spol. s r.o.

Accredited educational company. Services, consulting and training in the areas of: - pedagogy, psychology and management - self-knowledge, communication and emotional intelligence - methods and forms of pedagogical work, formative evaluation - provision of customs services in the field of evaluation - development of formative evaluation methods - relationships between parents and…

Jakub Trojan

Services: -regional development -professional studies -grant and grant advice -project management -spatial geovisualization and GIS *. Advisory and consulting activities, elaboration of expert studies and assessments Preparation and elaboration of technical designs, graphic and drawing work Research and experimental development on natural sciences and engineering or on social…