Clinical psychologist's office.
Clinical psychologist's office.
Economic consultancy Organizational consulting Prices and estimates of immovable and movable property.
Advice and consultation in the field of: - protection of classified information (previously classified facts) - according to Act No. 412/2005 Coll. etc. - protection of persons, property and information - quality management system according to ISO standards - Human Resource Management. Organizational consulting. Educational activities including lecturing in the above areas. Graphological…
Firma zajišťuje dotační a inženýrskou činnost, projektování staveb všech oborů. Konzultace a poradenství ve stavebnictví. Provozování vodovodů a kanalizací.
The company IMPEL spol. s r.o. is a Czech personnel and consulting agency. We offer: - searching for suitable jobs for job seekers - searching for suitable candidates for job positions for employers.
Comprehensive services and advice - safety Complex services - fire protection Advice - fire protection Personnel consulting Complex services - payroll processing Professional courses - training, seminars Complex services - hygiene.
Consulting - quality management systems.
Centrum psychologie.
Support for managers and helping professionals working in social services.
Psycholog: -psychoterapie.
I am a consultant of the Three in one concept - One brain technique and a certified coach of NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) techniques. The aim of the consultations is to unblock stress, learning disorders, fears, improve communication and overall personality development. I also use information from Bach flower therapy and reflexology techniques. I organize courses and seminars: Communication…
Subsidies and EU projects English language courses Education of pedagogues in the field of work for people with ASD - training of workers in social services courses - communication in a crisis situation.
Psychotherapy of depression, partner relationships, addictions.