Consultancy activity

Take advantage of the advice in the field of human resource management, investment, education, career, human resources, or when changing jobs. Get advice you can even when the interest on the financing of environmental heating or in obtaining subsidies not only on ecological construction.

Petr Háze

Offer consultancy in the field of business development and management, planning, management, processes, strategy and development of business, marketing, product. 1. Analysis Market segmentation, analysis of the market environment and product portfolio, internal company processes and organizations, SWOT... 2. Planning Business development plan, marketing plan, product plan... 3.…

Miwaco - družstvo

Controlled fermentation and cooling of the wine. Plumbing. Engineering activity. Solar Panels. Locksmithing, locksmith work, Trade with metallurgical material. -machining and engineering production - sale of metallurgical material - production of sheet metal blanks.


Naše firma řeší problematiku pohledávek a závazků, insolvencí, likvidace firem, založení společnosti aj. Veškeré služby provádíme rychle, bez průtahů a za velmi přijatelné ceny. Nabízíme právní servis a poradenství pro právnické i fyzické osoby, zastoupení před úřady, vedení účetní agendy a služby daňového poradce.

Renata Králová - EFT, Reiki, Kinezilogie

Is your life hard? Phobias, insomnia, pain, allergies? Do you want to quit smoking? Do you want to lose weight? Can't find a partner? Financial problems? I have been working on alternative healing techniques for the human body and psyche for a long time. I use the REIKI method, Kinesiology (muscle testing) and EFT method to heal the body and mental health. All three can complement and combine…

DECOMKOV Praha s.r.o.

The company DECOMKOV Praha s.r.o. is a company focusing on research, development and grant consultancy. We bring together companies that are interested in innovating their products and services and research and development institutions that will carry out the necessary development together with these companies. As soon as we define a research plan with such partners, we formulate a project for…


Don't know how to start a business? With the Smart Business project of SMART MEDIA s.r.o. business is a piece of cake. Get a smart solution for your business in one place. We will not only advise you on how to start a business, but we will also provide you with maximum business support that you will not find anywhere else. Come with us to the world of smart business and save a lot of your…

Hana Ciklerová - HCMedia

Naše internetová reklamní agentura poskytuje služby a rady v oblasti online marketingu a tvorbě webových stránek. Mezi naše hlavní služby patří: vedení a tvorba online reklamních kampaní, tvorba a následná správa webových stránek, optimalizace webových stránek, optimalizace pro vyhledavače. Dle přání zákazníka jsme schopni zajistit kompletní reklamní kampaň na internetu. Mezi další naše…