Computer and Internet services

In the menu of computer and internet services, see the administration and provision of computer network and internet connection, web hosting, creating web pages, programming applications, telecommunications services, business information systems or IT consulting.

Net by net s.r.o.

The company net by net, s.r.o., a specialist in employment in the IT field, offers vacancies in Ostrava, e.g. PR assistant, online store assistant, administrative worker, receivables manager, web application programmer and editor. The company's specialization is the creation of websites and web hosting, optimization for search engines (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), use of PPC campaigns or…

SUITU websites SE

A company focused on creating websites and web design. We try to create websites in such a way that your potential customers are interested and at the same time they are easy to use, accessible and at a favorable price for you. The editing system is intended for ordinary users, therefore all page editing options are simple and intuitive. We provide our clients with individual training related to…

BORGIT Consulting s.r.o.

We offer a web solution for approving overhead invoices, registration of employees, documents, property and attendance, including vacation planning. Our system has been operating in several EU countries for several years. It is intuitive and clear. It will definitely make your work easier.

AVIOSA CZ, s.r.o.

We are an agency with extensive experience in the field of marketing communication. We create not only professional websites, but also e-shops with a number of useful functions, which make it much easier for you to control the e-shop. We strive for conditions that are favorable for you. Not showing up in internet search engines? Take advantage of our SEO website optimization service, thanks to…

Centron Internet, s.r.o. -

A company dealing with IT technologies, offers the creation of personal and company websites for free, the help of live technical support, web hosting and the purchase of a domain. The system is constantly being developed and innovated to make it more user-friendly and up-to-date. It literally takes just a few minutes to create a website for free, when you can build a website within the…

eABM s.r.o.

Wholesale, retail, sales, e-shop, service, repair: - computer technology (computers, PC) - office technology. Services: - projects and implementation of LAN, WAN, Intranet, wireless networks, optical networks - connection to the Internet (Internet provider) - outsourcing services - renovation of consumables - creation of professional WWW pages - professional web hosting.