Computer and Internet services

In the menu of computer and internet services, see the administration and provision of computer network and internet connection, web hosting, creating web pages, programming applications, telecommunications services, business information systems or IT consulting.

Radek Kuneš

Dodávka - kamerové a elektronické zabezpečovací systémy Dodávka - požární systémy Montáž - TV a SAT antény Elektroinstalace Montáž - počítačové sítě

Print Management, s.r.o.

Lease - lucrative spaces for organizing conferences, meetings, company parties, castings Professional presentation of companies and personalities in the media - consulting in the field of advertising Delivery and installation - computing Service - computing Creation - websites - e-shops Educational and development programs for clients and your employees Catering …

Pranet, s.r.o. offers a stable internet connection speed. We provide cable and wireless internet connection available in Prague and the surrounding area with the establishment of a FREE service. We offer both a guaranteed connection for companies and the cheapest internet connection for CZK 148 per month without the need for an o2 fixed line. We also provide the construction of WiFi - HotSpot networks…