Body care

Body care includes not only beauty salons, but also the sale of cosmetic needs but also the outpatient clinic of aesthetic medicine and surgery plastic surgery. Massage and rehabilitation centers, sports facilities and other places can keep your body in shape.

Kosmetické studio Šárka Zpěváková -

Šárka Zpěváková runs a beauty studio in Otrokovice in the Zlín district. It offers services related to cosmetic skin treatment, facial and décolleté massage, eyebrow and eyelash coloring, including their treatment. We also offer depilation and skin cleansing. We also run a solarium in our beauty studio. Provided services: - cosmetic skin treatment - facial and décolleté massages - coloring…

Studio Estetika Zlín - Hana Tylová - KK beauty studio - Kristýna Koláříková

Studio Aesthetics operated in Zlín by Emineo H&H, s.r.o. offers clients a wide range of services related to skin and body care, with the aim of shaping, body shaping - vibrosauna, vibrogym, rolletic, lymphatic drainage, collagen, body shaping, solarium. We strive for an individual approach with respect to the client's health and physical condition, offering a pleasant and discreet environment…

STEZA Zlín, spol. s r.o. - Viceúčelová Sportovní hala Datart

SPORT HALL DATART is a multipurpose hall whose premises you can use for various sports activities, or as a concert hall and exhibitions or velety. In the building of the sports hall is located fitness center, massage, sauna, rehabilitation, nail, hairdressing and beauty studio and restaurant. Seat of sports clubs: VSC FATRA ZLIN HC ZLÍN Event space for rent:  - ball sports - handball,…

Jana Cíchová - Kosmetický salon

Services: - cosmetic treatment of the face and whole body unique to Germany by the Swiss brand Dr. Baumann, which contains the body's own substances. No fragrance, no dyes, no petroleum products, no mineral oils, no preservatives, no parabens. Unexpectedly good results right away. Leaving chemistry for skin care. - vacupress - wrinkle fillers, botox - chemical peeling - makeup -…

Jarmila Řiháková

Kosmetické ošetření pleti. Masáž obličeje, dekoltu, mikromasáž očního okolí, barvení obočí i řas, trvalá na řasy, lepení umělých řas, laserové ošetření pleti, spaciální omlazující kůry, parafínové zábaly.