
You want to do effective advertising of your company? Among the most popular types of advertising include advertising through social network, backlinks, advertising banners, advertising billboards, viral marketing, PR articles, media advertising in print, on television, in newspapers and on the radio.

Grimika, s.r.o.

Výroba, prodej: -čekárny -zastávky MHD -zábradlí -lavičky -fotbalový střídačky -reklamní panely -CLV -prodejní stánky -balkonové stříšky -sekční garážové vrata -zastřešení parkovišt Autodoprava: -vnitrostátní do 3, 5 tuny -IVECO, AVIA

NEOS v.o.s.

Poskytování internetu. -LAN realizace sítí. Velkoobchod, maloobchod, záruční a pozaruční servis: -tiskárny -výpočetní technika -kancelářská technika Návrh, realizace, výroba: -reklamní kampaň. -reklamní bannery pro internetové reklamní kampaně. Služby: -tvorba Webdesign, webových stránek, prezentací, www -webhosting -internetové prezentace -kompletní grafické…

Reklamní agentura ANNA - Iva Šobáňová

Publishing, printing. Advertising newsletter ANNA, advertising newspaper for businesses and residents of Wallachia, 14deník, Advertising for businesses and residents, print run 30,000 copies. Free distribution to all mailboxes in Vsetín, Valašské Meziříčí and Rožnov pod Radhoštěm and to the villages adjacent to them. Organizing events: Spring Ball with ANNA, Children's Day with ANNA

IRISA - Kartonáž

IRISA, a production cooperative in Vsetín, deals with the carton production of a wide range of packaging for various uses. It emphasizes a high standard of quality, reliability of deliveries and an acceptable price of packaging. Corrugated and machine cardboard packaging - corrugated cardboard - 2-5 layers with wool BC or E, various designs of the top with the bottom layer - machine…


Car dealership, purchase, sale, sales mediation: -used cars (used vehicles). Services: -reception of vehicles to the commission -parking of vehicles without commission -intermediation of credits, loans - purchase of vehicles -import of vehicles from the EU to order without a deposit -sale also on account -cheap car insurance POV, accident, additional insurance Lease: …

KINKI, s.r.o.

e-shop, e-obchod, eobchod, eshop, internetový obchod, reklamní agentura. Výroba + prodej, návrh, reklama, potisk, úpravy reklamních předmětů: -pro sublimaci: -keramika: -barevné hrnky -misky -textil: -trika -ostatní textil -předměty: -dešníky -puzzle -klíčenky -podložky -klasické: -taška na víno -kalkulačka, kalkulačky -laser point …


AGENTURA MARKET is a business and advertising company made up of experts in the field of management, advertising graphics and design. The company was founded in 2005 as a business with Czech capital. In 2007, due to market demand, the company began to deal with the creation of advertising graphics and design. We create only beautifully and purposefully. Place of business: -Hulín,…