
You want to do effective advertising of your company? Among the most popular types of advertising include advertising through social network, backlinks, advertising banners, advertising billboards, viral marketing, PR articles, media advertising in print, on television, in newspapers and on the radio.

Exponex s.r.o.

Services in the field of marketing communication with a focus on event and expo management: -organization of trade fairs and exhibitions and conferences -organization of congresses and seminars -trade fair expositions, realization of trade fair expositions, Czech official participations abroad -consulting and service in the field of trade fairs around the world -representation of foreign…

Vlastimil Falešník - Hoarding

Reklamní prezentační systémy.- Všem našim zákazníkům zaručujeme kvalitní prezentační systémy, přijatelnou cenu, vstřícný přístup. Nabízíme Vám roll up stojany, reklamní stojany na letáky, roll up bannery, výstavní stojany, stojany na katalogy, prezentační systémy, roletové stojany, plastové stojánky, reklamní poutače, promo stolky stojany do obchodů, reklamní stojany áčka a mnoho jiného.…

Kompl, s.r.o.

Delivery and installation - electronic security system Delivery and installation - electronic fire systems Electrical installation Graphic designs - DTP studio. Delivery - computer technology, hardware, laptops. Service - computer technology, hardware, laptops. Production - web pages, network management.

KONVOJ spol. s r.o.

If you don't want to, please send an e-mail. TYPOGRAPHY (DTP) AND TYPOGRAPHY, including foreign language texts and special passages (mathematics, chemistry, ...); prepress preparation, graphic designs; database publishing; cooperation with a translation company. PRODUCTION OF PUBLICATIONS: leaflets, magazines, brochures, books, printed matter; preparation of electronic documents. …

MQI Brno, spol. s r.o.

Company focusing on marketing and communication consulting. We will take care of: - market monitoring and analysis - setting goals for a media campaign - finding the target group - setting the financial limit - budget optimization with respect to the goal - plan creation and media distribution