Česká síť s.r.o.
Services, provision: -Internet connection
Services, provision: -Internet connection
Activity: - comprehensive services in the field of marketing, sponsoring and organizational service in connection with top sports projects and personalities
Delivery, repair, service: - water management facilities for treatment and distribution of drinking water Services: - installation of water meters - truck transport - replacement supply of drinking water, water import, filling of swimming pools phone: 272 172 537, 601 394 730, 602 213 154 - balancing of waste pits phone: 601 394 730, 602 213 154 Production: - flanges - fittings -…
Rental - laptops - printers - computers Service - computer assemblies - laptops - computer networks - unwinding - data rescue
Information Center: - Tourist information
Služby - internetový marketing - webdesign - vývoj aplikací, programování - SEO, PPC kampaně, copywriting
Activity: - creation of websites, e-shops - SEO optimization - custom software development
Alphabetical and sectoral list of companies and business entities
We grant a license and Certificate for the use of the Czech Product brand on products. We support Czech products. We help orient customers who prefer Czech products. We check compliance with the conditions for awarding the Czech product trademark at the place of production. We promote Czech products on TV, on the Internet, in newspapers, magazines, events and competitions
Services: - web hosting - web design - SEO optimization
Činnost: - bezpečnostní agentura - ochrana majetku a osob - montáž elektronické zabezpečovací systémy - úklidové služby
Dodávka, montáž, servis - elektronická zabezpečovací zařízení - přístupové a docházkové systémy Montáž - osvětlení Slaboproudé a silnoproudé rozvody Montáž a servis - hromosvody Dodávka - systémy pro měření a regulace Dodávka - fotovoltaické elektrárny Stavba - telekomunikační sítě
Výroba, pronájem, reklamní poutače a pódia Pořádání - sportovní akce STOPA PRO ŽIVOT a KOLO PRO ŽIVOT - firemní eventy a team buildingy
Development - custom software - application Services - programming - management of company networks - web design, web presentation
Designs - interiors Project documentation
Bookkeeping - salary and personnel agenda
Services - processing of data, documents - storage of documents - Records management.
Services: - collection, collection, disposal of waste. - collection of separated waste. - shredding of documents.
Printing - offset - letterpress Execution - digital typesetting in different languages - designs and graphic editing of printed materials Custody
Services - wireless internet connection Business office, technical workplace Tyršova 591 675 31 Yemnice
Komplexní IT služby: - outsourcing v oblasti správy počítačových sítí a zabezpečení - VoIP služby - vývoj softwaru - IT produkty.
Sales, repairs, service - computing - computer assemblies - PC servers - printers - Consumables Services - wireless internet connection - web design - web hosting
Services: -bookkeeping -tax records Delivery, sale: -Accounting programs Production of homemade jams
Poskytuje - služby v oblasti počítačové grafiky