Metal semifinished products

Metal rolled profiles, hexagonal and round rods, classic and galvanized sheets or metallurgical semi-finished products are used extensively not only in the field of engineering. Remove both ferrous and non-ferrous metal materials from the best suppliers and manufacturers.

Emerich Frýdl

Production, delivery, assembly: - locksmith products made of metals (black iron, stainless steel, brass, combination, jäckel, pipes): - atypical, spiral staircases, stair railings also in helix, spiral - metal frames, shepherd's works, various types incl. frame lining stainless steel, brass - metal interior equipment. Production, installation of elevator shafts and building locksmithing. …

ProEx 2000, spol. s r.o.

Wholesale, retail, sale: - needs for construction tinsmiths and roofers -sheets (board, scroll, KOB, trapezoid, wavy lines, templates) -roof foil (DÖRKEN, JUTE, TYVEK) - waterproofing film PARABIT - fiberglass corrugated sheets -plumbing products - silicones, sealants, PUR-foams - ventilation grills MINOLETTI (copper, aluminum) - gutters (MARLEY plastic) - spikes, KRAUPNER pigeon nets …

ProEx 2000, spo.s r.o.

Wholesale, retail, sales: - needs for construction tinsmiths - sheet metal (sheet, roll, KOB, trapezoid, corrugated, templates, (lacquered, laminated, PREFA, SIBA, PLANNJA) -roof foil (JUTAFOL, TYVEK) - fiberglass corrugated sheets -plumbing tools - silicones, sealants, PUR-foams - ventilation grilles, MINOLETTI (copper, aluminum) -gutter (MARLEY plastic) - spikes, nets…

ProEx 2000, spol. s r.o.

Wholesale, retail, sale: -needs for construction plumbers and roofers -sheets (board, scroll, KOB *, trapezoid, wavy lines, templates) -sheets, products (varnished, plastic coated (LINDAB, SIBA, PLANNJA, RANNILA, SATJAM) -roof foils (DÖRKEN, JUTE, TYVEK) -PARABIT waterproofing foil -fiberglass wavy lines -plumbing products -silicones, sealants, PUR-foams -Ventilation grilles MINOLETTI …

ProEx 2000, spol. s r.o.

Wholesale, retail, sales: - needs for construction tinsmiths and roofer - sheets (board, scroll, KOB*, trapezoid, squiggles, templates) -sheets, products (lacquered, coated LINDAB, SIBA, PLANNJA, RANNILA, SATJAM) -roof foil (DÖRKEN, JUTE, TYVEK) - DEHTOCHEMA BITUMAT waterproofing film - fiberglass corrugated sheets -plumbing products - silicones, sealants, PUR* foams -…

ProEx 2000, spol. s r.o.

Wholesale, retail, sales: - needs and material for tinsmiths and roofers - sheet metal - gutter systems, gutters - roof coverings - polycarbonate plates - roof windows - dormers and skylights - lumber - roof accessories - roof insulation - roof foil - connecting materials - plumbing machines and tools - soldering preparations - waterproofing materials.


Velkoobchod - produkty z hliníku a jeho slitin: - L-profily rovnoramenné a nerovnoramenné - jekl profily čtvercové a obdélníkové - U-profily - trubky - eloxované profily - tyče kruhové, čtvercové, ploché - plechy hladké, protiskluzové (slzičkové), svitky, lakované plechy, eloxované plechy - desky a přířezy z desek - atypické výkresové profily dle zadání zákazníka

Cronite CZ s.r.o.

Sales, distribution: -preparations made of heat-resistant materials for thermal processing and combustion (cast, welded, CFC) - construction of preparations - grates, baskets and superstructures -standard, optimized, tailored to measure according to the customer's wishes -spare parts cast, welded, designated for industrial furnaces -development, research of refractory alloys …


Van Leeuwen Pipe and Tube s.r.o. je členem Van Leeuwen Pipe and Tube Group, nadnárodní skupiny působící na trhu ocelových trubek, jeklů a profilů, komponentů (kolena, fitinky, atp.), hydrauliky (chromovaných tyčí, honovaných trubek, trubiček pro vedení hydrauliky) a nerezi. Celosvětově má skupina několik desítek poboček umístěných v Evropě, Asii (včetně Středního východu), Austrálii a Kanadě. …


Wholesale, sale, distribution, delivery service: -CLIPLINE - screw, spring, notch clamps -COMBICON - connectors for printed circuit boards and instrumentation -PLUSCON - industrial connectors -INTERFACE-equipment for signal conditioning and conversion, power supplies, industrial Ethernet -TRABTECH - surge protectors -AUTOMATIONWORX - systems for industrial automation -VARIOFACE…

PÉROVNA s.r.o.

Výroba: - vinuté a tvarové pružiny tvářené za studena. Provedení pružin: - tlačné (s rovnoměrným i proměnným stoupáním, kuželové) - tažné - zkrutné, dvojzkrutné - tvarové - pružiny hřídelového těsnění - kroužky. Pružiny se uplatňují téměř ve všech odvětvích. Jsou dodávány především pro: - automobily, motocykly, traktory, lodě i letadla - kolejová vozidla -…

Věznice Heřmanice - Vězeňská služba České republiky

Metal production, locksmith production: - railings, containers, steel doors, grilles, garage gates, sheet metal cabinets, steel structures, etc. according to drawing documentation. Disassembly, sorting and processing of scrap metal. Rental of production areas, halls and buildings suitable, for example, for metal production and engineering production. Manufacture of air conditioning…

ASTIS s.r.o.

Sales, construction and service: - welded, decorative chains - rope tensioners and clamps - a wide range of carbines - S - hooks - stirrups (shekels) - steel ropes - ropes - industrial chains - accessories for chains - rope eyelets - rapid articles - WI-FI - optical and metallic networks - data networks - optical networks - wireless networks - Structured…