Metal semifinished products

Metal rolled profiles, hexagonal and round rods, classic and galvanized sheets or metallurgical semi-finished products are used extensively not only in the field of engineering. Remove both ferrous and non-ferrous metal materials from the best suppliers and manufacturers.

KOVO Ledeč, s.r.o.

Production: -production of pressing and forming tools -production of welding, clamping and measuring jigs -machining of metals, plastics -precise machining -locksmith work -pressing work -surface treatment - powder coating. Services: -locksmith, press work. Surface treatment of metals-powdering. Technological background: -bandsaw, panel shears 2000/2, 5, punching…

KOOPERACE Okříšky, a.s., sklad náhradních dílů Nová Ves

Velkoobchod, maloobchod, prodej, náhradní díly: -traktory UŘ I 3011-7745, UŘ II 8011-16245 UŘ III 9520, 9540 -zemědělské stroje přívěsy, návěsy, autovleky, sběrací vozy HORAL, NTVS, NV 3-042 -nakládače UNHZ 500, 750, ND 4-031, UN-053, HON, UN-060 -pluhy PHX, PRIVÁT ROTO, B 201, PH 1-413, PH 1-243 -brány lehké, střední, těžké -kultivátory (radličky na slušovický kultivátor) …

KASALI, s.r.o. - Podlahové rošty Znojmo

Specialists from the company KASALI, s.r.o. focus on the custom production and delivery of tailor-made gratings, which include galvanized, steel, platform, and safety rack barriers. from Znojmo in the Czech Republic, which is a member state of the European Union. The company KASALI, s.r.o. has been producing tailor-made grates with high load capacity, low weight, price, variable system options…

SWN Moravia, s.r.o.

Production. Wooden stairs: -staffled stairwells -stair saddle -staffless -spindle -lining of concrete stairs. Metal stairs: -stairs, staircases -interior staircase, double-girder, spindle -exterior angled, spindle -metal staircase. Accessories: -wooden slings, wood-stainless steel -columns, handles, heads - wall handle holders stainless steel, chrome, old bronze, brass -wooden…


Dry construction specialist. Sales, retail: -building material, building materials -KNAUF plasterboards, RIGIPS boards, gypsum profiles, KNAUF building chemicals, sealants, tile adhesives, jointing compounds, decorative plasters, penetrations, primers, paints - cassette false ceilings DONN, AMF THERMATEX accessories, moldings, lamps - thermal and sound insulation ROCKWOOL - accessories…

Oknoplast Group s.r.o.

Made-to-order production of plastic windows, doors and conservatories from high-quality profiles of the German company REHAU. Sale of swimming pools and their roofing. Stone, plastic and aluminum sill plates, blinds and indoor and outdoor blinds, garage doors, etc. Production, assembly: - plastic windows, doors, conservatories (REHAU profile, AUBI all-round fittings) -blinds, insect…

BYTERM Znojmo s.r.o.

Dodávka, montáž, instalace, údržba, služby: -teplo, teplá voda-výroba, rozvod -topné okruhy, regulace a vyvážení topných okruhů -měření spotřeby tepla v bytech a v domech -měřící a regulační technika -termostatické ventily, bytové vodoměry -zajištění servisu a cejchování.

HABA s.r.o.

Our company Haba s.r.o. operates on the steel and aluminum market. We provide you with preparatory works, so that you can show your qualities as a highly qualified supplier in general machine industry, manufacture of devices, special devices, preparatory products, tools and shaped parts. Do not hesitate to use our expertise and professional skills. The HABA s.r.o. products can be used…

MF ENERGY, spol. s r.o.

Production, sales, service, development: -turbine blades -accessories, gas and steam turbines. Support of development, production and service of turbines. Modern technological equipment for operation and control. More than 30 years of experience - a guarantee of quality work at affordable prices and in the required delivery times. The blades are manufactured according to the documentation…

Karel Kalouda - LPS pipe supports

Výroba: - pevné a průžné uložení a zavěšení potrubí, - konzoly a nosníky ocelových konstrukcí pro uložení, - atypické uložení potrubí, - řezání plechů na CNC stroji, - jednotáhlové a dvoutáhlové závěsy, - kluzné a přivařovací podpěry, kotevní stojany, - pružinové podpěry, - třmeny, pouta, - objímky a další komponenty.

Ložiska Jihlava - Tomáš Kamarád

Production, consulting, delivery, distribution to the whole Czech Republic of bearings for: -service and repair of machines and equipment -Household appliances, gaskets, adhesives and lubricants. Rolling bearings: - ball - conical - Judicial - roller - needle. Plain bearings: - axial washers with PTFE layer (A..KU) - all-bronze flanged curved sleeve with pockets (B90-… …

ALBA - METAL, spol.s r.o.

Production, sale: -production -processing of shaped wire for the automotive industry -development and serial production for almost 30 types of cars -designs of own tool parts of CNC bending machines and robotic welding jigs. Our products: -wire inserts -wire frames -pedals -Drafts -wire hooks.

Ing. Vladimír Kovář - BV SERVIS

Sales, wholesale, assembly: -television, radio, satellite antennas, including common antennas, - cable distribution in larger buildings. Production of metal antenna accessories - brackets, brackets, booms, sockets. Sale: -home phones -electronics. Construction: TV antennas, camera and surveillance systems. Video services: video recordings of cultural, social, sporting and…

Prodej ložisek Radek Čumalo

Sales of bearings, bearings, Gufer, V-belts, hydraulic hoses, steel rope, ropes. Bearings - a wide range of bearings from the companies -INA, KOYO, TIMKEN, ZVL, DPI, ZKL.. We also offer special car bearings, sets for car wheels, bearing bodies.. Gufera - diverse range of sizes and materials used nitri, acrylic, silicone), rubber cuffs. V-belts - coated, variator, cut, flat, grooved..…

Cmíral - Dvořák s.r.o.

Služby, výroba, výstavba. -nové pozklizňové linky, linka obilní sila, sušičky zrnin, sušička, čistička, čističky zrnin, hladkostěnná sila, sila z vlnitého plechu -kulaté pozinkované sila a modulové sila využíván tzv. boxový systém -výrobna krmné směsi(VKS) -vertikální, diagonální míchačky krmiv, vážící systémy, šrotovníky, mačkače -dopravníky -skladovací boxy Služby. -modernizace linky…

Miroslav Linhart

zánik poslední živnosti: 30.3.2011. Brusiva, nástroje, podlahy. Prodej, servis, poradenství, příslušenství, náhradní díly na stroje a zařízení Houfek, SCM, Acword, Rojek, Orlík. Brusné materiály, lepené pásy, role, výseky, archy na plátně i papíru, flexikotouče, lamelové kotouče. Zakázková výroba a oprava profilové frézy, HW, HSS, pájené, žiletkové, stopkové, veškeré nástroje pro…