Metal semifinished products

Metal rolled profiles, hexagonal and round rods, classic and galvanized sheets or metallurgical semi-finished products are used extensively not only in the field of engineering. Remove both ferrous and non-ferrous metal materials from the best suppliers and manufacturers.

EN - ART CZ s.r.o.

Company EN-ART CZ s.r.o. is a purely Czech company that focuses on 100% product inspection and also manual assembly using jigs and semi-automatic machines. We provide inspection and assembly activities in the field of plastics, metals and rubber. We are based in Příbram on U Lilky 639 street. Assembly workshop, assembly, completion: - products for various industries including automotive -…

Artur Ross s.r.o.

Wholesale: Metallurgical material -Precise welded steel pipes -Seamless -welded -structural -Precise welded closed profiles -jäkl, jekl -D profile -tunnel -flat -Hydraulics -hydraulic pipes -piston rods -Stainless steel and aluminum pipes -Service activity -transport, storage -cutting to the exact size Mini-golf.

ZEMPOMARKET, a.s. Bečváry

Wholesale: - hardware store - electronic material - drugstore - metallurgical material - fasteners. Branches: Holice in Bohemia - phone: 466920736 - fax: 466681653 Hrušovany near Brno - phone number 547236121-2 - fax: 547236466 Velká Bystřice near Olomouc - phone number 585351641 - fax: 585351642

Kašpar Jindřich -

Prodej: -hutní a spojovací materiál -rybářství -28.října 421..........327542229. Prodej: -stavební materiál -nábytek -koberce -potraviny -drogerie -koltle -kamna: -Jungmannova:......327542276. Obchodní,výrobní a stavební podnik zajišťuje prodej hutního materiálu v sortimentu: -ocelové trubky černé a pozinkované ve všech rozměrech -úhelníky,I a U profily,plochá ocel, T…