Development, production, sales, assembly and service: - security door - safes, safety deposit boxes - keys, inserts, locks, general keys.
Development, production, sales, assembly and service: - security door - safes, safety deposit boxes - keys, inserts, locks, general keys.
Prodej: - železářské zboží - zahradnické a zednické nářadí.
Production, sale: - binding instruments.
Company EN-ART CZ s.r.o. is a purely Czech company that focuses on 100% product inspection and also manual assembly using jigs and semi-automatic machines. We provide inspection and assembly activities in the field of plastics, metals and rubber. We are based in Příbram on U Lilky 639 street. Assembly workshop, assembly, completion: - products for various industries including automotive -…
Services: - production of exothermic mixtures - molding compounds - exothermic attachments -special (covering and desulphurizing) mixture. Sale: - metallurgical materials -connecting materials - welding materials -cutting and grinding discs.
Wholesale: Metallurgical material -Precise welded steel pipes -Seamless -welded -structural -Precise welded closed profiles -jäkl, jekl -D profile -tunnel -flat -Hydraulics -hydraulic pipes -piston rods -Stainless steel and aluminum pipes -Service activity -transport, storage -cutting to the exact size Mini-golf.
Obchodní zastoupení firmy HABASIT. Prodej, montáž, opravy: -řemeny a pásy POLYCORD, HABICORD, HABIPUR, HABASIT LINK -provádíme svařování, lepení pásů řemenů.
Production of steel blasting equipment. Offer of granulates and grits, technical advice, adjustment of blasting machines, separators and filters
Dodáváme: - potrubní rozvody - hutní materiál.
Wholesale: - hardware store - electronic material - drugstore - metallurgical material - fasteners. Branches: Holice in Bohemia - phone: 466920736 - fax: 466681653 Hrušovany near Brno - phone number 547236121-2 - fax: 547236466 Velká Bystřice near Olomouc - phone number 585351641 - fax: 585351642
We sell hardware, metallurgical material and secondary products, including drugstores and electrical materials.
Prodej: -hutní a spojovací materiál -rybářství -28.října 421..........327542229. Prodej: -stavební materiál -nábytek -koberce -potraviny -drogerie -koltle -kamna: -Jungmannova:......327542276. Obchodní,výrobní a stavební podnik zajišťuje prodej hutního materiálu v sortimentu: -ocelové trubky černé a pozinkované ve všech rozměrech -úhelníky,I a U profily,plochá ocel, T…
Metalwork: -Gears -grinding -Machining - locksmith work. Headquarters: Doležalova 1057/22, Prague 9, 190 00 Tel./fax: 203 695 260
Retail, sales: - security device - safes - FESTA security door - safety fittings and door handles - production - keys, car keys
We make: - aluminum parts - decorative strips for vintage cars, threshold cover strips, door sealing strips.
KB-BLOK. Keramicky a betonový blok s.r.o. (Ceramic and concrete block, Ltd.) is a holder of ISO 9001 and 14001. Sales representation for Bohemia and Moravia: -Prague 4, 14800, Kloknerova 9 tel: +420-244112450, 731411715, 736629559, 736629560 fax: +420-272953103 e-mail: [email protected] -Plzen, Nyrany, 33023, street Havirska tel: +420-736629556 e-mail: [email protected] …
Retail, wholesale: - grinding grains for free grinding, blasting and metallurgical purposes - abrasive grains, corundum abrasive grains, silicon carbide - blasting materials - abrasive materials - abrasive - blasting materials - non-slip materials.
Wholesale, retail, sales, consulting. Supplier of material for major constructions: - Temelín and Mochovce nuclear power plants.
Zámečnictví,kovovýroba,obrábění: -schody,anticoro -nerezové zábradlí.
Výroba: -dveřní ocelové zárubně -revizní klapky do sádrokartonových příček a stropů.
Výroba: -kovové konstrukce -výrobky z nerezových plechů. -lehké ocelové konstrukce -kouřovody -komínové stříšky -redukce potrubí -potravinářský nábytek -pomůcky pro včelaře -ocelová vrata -posuvné brány -zábradlí, žebříky, regály, ocelové schody.
Production: -Springs -sewage spirals for cleaning waste - cotter pins, car ties and other parts made of circular cross-section wire
Design, manufacture and assembly: -stainless steel railings -staircase - stainless steel cladding -construction -partitions including fillings - metal furniture - furnishing the interiors of banks, shops, offices -billboard -light advertisements - motorized star turnstiles...
Burning and cutting of metallic materials by autogenous. Sale: - metallurgical material - profiles U, I.