Restaurants and catering

A bargain lunch menu, distribution of meals, gourmet food, specials on the menu and much more provide restaurant facilities. You can visit the restaurant dedicated to one cuisine, such as Italian, French, Czech, thai or chinese.

Jana Kučerová

Accommodations: - capacity 28 seats - 8 rooms from 2-4 beds - breakfast included - possibility of catering-dinner - outdoor seating-grill. Cafe - non-smoking. Possibility of accommodation with dogs. Pension.

Dětský domov a Školní jídelna, Mašťov, příspěvková organizace

The Children's Home and School Canteen, Mašťov, a contributory organization, is a facility for children who, for various reasons, cannot grow up in their own families. Children from 3 to 18 years of age may stay in the children's home, or until the end of vocational training, but up to 26 years of age. The children are divided into four family groups. There is a maximum of 8 children in each…