Restaurants and catering

A bargain lunch menu, distribution of meals, gourmet food, specials on the menu and much more provide restaurant facilities. You can visit the restaurant dedicated to one cuisine, such as Italian, French, Czech, thai or chinese.

Pavel Baier

Výroba, distribuce, prodej: - studená kuchyně (obložené mísy, majonézové saláty a pomazánky, bagety, chlebíčky) - teplá kuchyně - jídelna - výdej denní menu - koblihy, croissanty - bezlepkové pečivo. Objednávky a zhotovení rautů. Catering, gastronomické služby. Sídlo firmy: - Poděbradova 3055/61a, Ostrava - Moravská Ostrava.

Restaurace Radnice Havířov, s.r.o.

Hotel: -accommodation: -six double rooms (1 person CZK 990,-, 2 people CZK 1590,-) -two suites (1 person CZK 1900,-, 2 people CZK 2490,-). Equipment above standard. Rooms are equipped with colour televisor, mini drinks cabinet, telephone and sanitary facility. Restaurant: -hot meals, specialities -mixed drinks -summer teracce with a possibility of barbecue. Small lounge: -14…