Building administration and maintenance

Facility management is a set of many activities, which include out of warranty repairs, plumbing, electrical or masonry work, cleaning the exterior and interior of the premises, waste collection but also the maintenance of green spaces around the house, or a continuous emergency service.

OWLET s.r.o.

Činnost: - správa bytových a nebytových jednotek ve vlastnictví malých bytových družstev a společenství vlastníků - vedení účetnictví a daňové evidence pro veškeré fyzické a právnické osoby - non stop havarijní služba. Sídlo: - Na Sovinci 918/17, Ostrava - Stará Bělá.


Construction activity. Demolition. Production, assembly: - steel constructions - iron products - barrier-free access. Property maintenance and management, including repairs. Water, gas and heating distributions. Work: - locksmith - plumbing - heating - gas company. Headquarters: - Stonava 1069 (NZ OKK campus), 73534 Stonava.