The company holds ISO 9001:2001, defended in 2008 and 14001:2001, defended in 2008 certificates. Management of co-operative, municipal, commercial, co-owned, private, commercial, newly built residential buildings. Comprehensive service of managed properties: - 24-hour emergency service (hot line 24) for our contractual partners -water, gas, electricity -cleaning of offices, houses,…
Activities: - administrative and technical records of houses - records of tenants, owners, payments - ensuring the elimination of emergency situations - comprehensive bookkeeping - and other
Project preparation of buildings, consulting, engineering: - architectural studies and investment plans -territorial management and building permit incl. procurement (expression machines) - documentation according to foreign standards in multilingual version (German, English, Russian). Engineering activities, surveys, assessments: -focusing on the current state - geodetic work -…
The manufacturer is the holder of the certificate ISO* 9001:2000. Nozzles for spraying equipment. Production, sales, consulting: -liquid, air, two-media spray nozzles Spraying Systems - bayonet, automatic, hydraulic, rotating, special -washing, dust removal, cooling, lubrication, fireproof - applying, moisturizing, cleaning, drying, high pressure Services, work,…
Real estate management: Comprehensive technical service and economic management of residential and non-residential premises: - administrative buildings - warehouse, logistics and production areas - apartment buildings including all necessary accompanying activities according to requirements in the scope of: - management of the administrative agenda - management of technical…
We perform regular and one-off cleaning of non-residential and residential premises. Window washing, buffing, polishing, ironing, waxing floors with hard wax, painting, varnishing. We provide minor maintenance, repairs and revisions: electrical installation, water and gas
Construction company -construction of family houses - insulation of facades, roofs, floors - property management and building maintenance -regular cleaning -plant care - emergency service - property management
Patříme mezi přední světové společnosti, působí v 35 zemích, specializuje se na pronájem: - kancelářských - obchodních - skladových prostor v České i Slovenské republice. Poskytujeme kompletní služby nájemcům, developerům i investorům. Služby: - zprostředkování pronájmu - poradenství - korporátní financování - korporátní řešení - Real Estate Debt Solutions - energie a…
Real estate activity, focus: -investment and development - commercial and warehouse real estate category B -management of non-residential premises -provides warehouse, production and retail space, premises - rental -logistics centers. The territory of the whole Czech Republic.
Real estate management, home property maintenance. Ensuring the operation, repair and reconstruction of rental houses, apartments, businesses and non-residential premises. Apartment office: -Gorkého 18, tel.: 549245753, deputy engineer Osvald. Real estate agency: -mediation of sale, purchase, rental of real estate and financial participation.
Sale, rent: - commercial real estate - non-residential premises - production premises -workshops, changing rooms, washrooms - metalwork workshop with facilities, carpentry workshop, paint shop -offices -unheated, heated, tempered warehouses -halls -parking areas - free, paved areas of up to 2000 m2. Fenced, guarded area with an excellent location for traffic services and…
Služby: -silniční motorová doprava -realitní činnost -činnost účetních poradců, vedení účetnictví -poskytování technických služeb -technické činnosti v dopravě -správa a údržba nemovitostí -poskytování služeb pro zahradnictví.
Civil engineering company: - ensuring construction from design to approval: - engineering activity -construction activity -electrical engineer work - euro windows -plastic windows -swimming pools including earthwork and construction work - sumps and septic tanks, including earthworks and construction works -real estate management.
Firma zajišťuje komplexní správu budov, provozování kotelen a výměníkových stanic. Správa a údržba nemovitostí tel. 543215838: -vedení účetnictví -zajišťování oprav a havárií -zajišťování správy obecních, družstevních, spoluvlastnických a soukromých bytů -úklidové práce, úklidová služba (služby). Zajištění provozu a údržby technických zařízení: -rozvody vody, tepla, plynu,…
NON STOP 607 611 511 Services: - administration, maintenance and rental of real estate - search for investments in real estate, negotiations with the authorities -grass cutting -cleaning services -facility services We will offer you a better service and price than your current administrator. Apartment building repairs, managed real estate. Optimization of heating and hot water…
Construction company, activity: - delivery, repairs (including emergency), cleaning of domestic sewers, inspection of sewers with a camera system - installation of water, heating, emergency nonstop 774 328 798 -repairs, revisions of chimneys - earthmoving, demolition and cleaning work, including disposal of waste and construction debris - complete construction work -turnkey wooden…
Real estate and estate management. We provide sale and renting: -flats, non-residential rooms -houses, villas -cottages -land -commercial facilities -offices, shops -developer's projects. Management and maintenance of flats, commercial facilities, the establishment of an owners' association. Other services: -provision of mortgage loan -consultancy -expert opinions -design and…
Housing construction cooperative. Company activity: Construction, alteration and removal. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT AND MAINTENANCE: - real estate management - housekeeping activities - cleaning of residential and non-residential premises - cleaning of buildings - window cleaning REAL ESTATE ACTIVITIES: - purchase, sale and rental of real estate - purchase, sale and rental of…
Comprehensive services in the field of real estate management: - complex management of houses in terms of operation and rental relations - management and administration of housing cooperatives and associations of apartment owners - management of accounting and economics - consulting in the field of modernization and maintenance - home accounting
Služby: -správa a údržba nemovitostí.
Služby: - správa a údržba nemovitostí - účetnictví a daňové poradenství Prodej: - potraviny - smíšené zboží
Pronájem: - nemovitosti - nebytové prostory. Správa nemovitostí.
Nemovitosti: - prodej - koupě - zprostředkování
-Komplexní správa majetku -Nepřetržitá pohotovostní služba -Realitní činnost, prodej, koupě domů, zprostředkování nájemníků -Inženýrská činnost na stavbách -Recepční služby, ostraha a hlídání objektů -Úklidové služby -Drobné rekonstrukce, stavební úpravy -Opravy objektů a budov -Správa provozu EZS a EPS -Revize a servisní služby