M.A.N., spol. s r.o.
Správa nemovitostí: - zajištění veškerých služeb dodavatelů - vedení účetnictví pro družstva i SVJ - zajišťování povinných revizí a odstraňování závad - vypracování daňových přiznání Spravujeme bytové domy každé velikosti.
Správa nemovitostí: - zajištění veškerých služeb dodavatelů - vedení účetnictví pro družstva i SVJ - zajišťování povinných revizí a odstraňování závad - vypracování daňových přiznání Spravujeme bytové domy každé velikosti.
Inženýrská činnost ve stavebnictví: - projekce, poradenství, konzultační a inženýrské služby - koncepční dokumentace (podnikatelské záměry, záměry staveb) - projektová dokumentace koordinační dokumentace (zprávy o průběhu výstavby) - analýzy (výběrová řízení, technickoekonomická hodnocení) - příprava stavby zajištění stavebního povolení a kolaudace stavby - technický dozor…
PROSTOR a.s. provides municipal, cleaning services and maintenance of greenery on the territory of the capital city of Prague and its surroundings. We offer summer and winter road maintenance, pavement cleaning, mowing grass, tree felling, cleaning services for households, offices and cleaning sports and cultural events. In our field we are among the companies that are able to execute even…
Management and maintenance of real estate with the possibility of security. Operation of laundry and dry cleaners
D.I.SEVEN FACILITY s.r.o. within its activities focuses on comprehensive management: - commercial buildings - office buildings, hotels, shopping centers, government buildings, logistics centers, etc. - apartment buildings with above-standard services - residences, apartment complexes - parts of production areas.
D.I.SEVEN FACILITY s.r.o. within its activities focuses on comprehensive management: - commercial buildings - office buildings, hotels, shopping centers, government buildings, logistics centers, etc. - apartment buildings with above-standard services - residences, apartment complexes - parts of production areas.
D.I.SEVEN FACILITY s.r.o. within its activities focuses on comprehensive management: - commercial buildings - office buildings, hotels, shopping centers, government buildings, logistics centers, etc. - apartment buildings with above-standard services - residences, apartment complexes - parts of production areas.
D.I.SEVEN FACILITY s.r.o. within its activities focuses on comprehensive management: - commercial buildings - office buildings, hotels, shopping centers, government buildings, logistics centers, etc. - apartment buildings with above-standard services - residences, apartment complexes - parts of production areas.
D.I.SEVEN FACILITY s.r.o. within its activities focuses on comprehensive management: - commercial buildings - office buildings, hotels, shopping centers, government buildings, logistics centers, etc. - apartment buildings with above-standard services - residences, apartment complexes - parts of production areas.
Services: - property management and maintenance - plant care - cleaning services - physical security of the building, property and persons - central security desk (PCO) - installation of EPS and EZS - security technical services.
Naše služby: - správa družstevních domů, nemovitostí, obytných a nájemních domů - vedení účetnictví.
UHI Bohemia Company activity focuses predominantly on: - investment in hotel and spa business - purchase, lease, sublease and asset management with further utilization of properties as office, hotel and residential premises - preparation and realization of reconstruction and construction projects for new hotels, hotel and spa complexes - (territorial and area direction, building…
The company was founded in 2002, focused on the area of: - real estate management - comprehensive administration of administrative buildings.
Contract management of reserved technical equipment. Operation of gas boilers.
We manage, maintain, reconstruct and modernize residential and administrative buildings.
Our services : - mediation of the purchase and sale of real estate and land, including the transfer of ownership and cooperative rights and obligations in BD - rental mediation of all kinds - assistance in negotiations with local authorities - advice on buying, selling or renting real estate - management of housing units.
IM-stav Praha s.r.o. je společnost s dlouholetou tradicí na stavebním trhu. Vznikla v roce 2001 a od té doby se zabývá realizací staveb v oblasti bytové, občanské a průmyslové. Naše společnost nabízí široké spektrum služeb v oblasti stavební výroby. Jsme schopni provést jak drobné opravy, tak i rozsáhlé rekonstrukce nebo novostavby “na klíč”. Disponujeme moderním strojním vybavením a…
Zabezpečení správy údržby a oprav bytového a nebytového fondu.
Naše služby: - správa a pronájem nemovitostí
Searching for investment opportunities for domestic and foreign clients.
Reconstruction of water, gas, heating, sewerage.
Mediation of buying, selling or renting flats, houses, garages, land, non-residential and office premises.
Real estate agency. Real estate management.
GIFAB Project s.r.o. Support in setting up companies Business management Property management Legal advice We are members of the Association of Real Estate Agencies of the Czech Republic.
Realitní kancelář: - rodinné domy - kanceláře, nebytové prostory - historické objekty. Provozování a správa kancelářských budov. Firma poskytuje poradenství v oblasti ekonomiky. Zajišťování stavebních prací.