Wood and timber - sawmills

Saws offer construction lumber such as French fries, prisms, planks, boards, roof battens, planed boards and other lumber for the construction of pergolas, sheds or trusses. Use dry wood as fuel in the form of fuel wood.

GATRO s.r.o.

Are you looking for custom-made wooden building material? Do you need help with woodworking? The company Gatro s.r.o. listens to your wishes and fulfills them in detail! We are engaged in forestry and timber activities, production and sale of lumber and firewood. In our sawmill production, we offer pallet blanks in dimensions according to the customer's wishes, boards, prisms, pallets, sawdust…

Milan Dzubák

Production: - sawmill - lumber, cut logs - sawmill products: - construction (roof battens, building boards, prisms) - carpentry (planks, boards) Processing, impregnation of wood.

PILA Karel Vlček s.r.o. - Pilařská výroba, výroba palet a obalů

Saw Karel Vlček, based in Hradec nad Moravicí near Opava, is engaged in wood processing and production of wooden pallets and packaging. It produces about 250 kinds of wooden products, which include wooden pallets, EUR pallets, extensions, inserts, grates, crates, lumber. The company has its own sawmill operation and own handling warehouse, where the raw material (logs, raw logs) is weighed in…

Flaming Paliva s.r.o.

Prodej, velkoobchod: -tuhá paliva: -koks, černé uhlí, kaly, dřevo (dříví) -biopaliva-dřevěné brikety a pelety. -štěrkopísek -okrasné valouny -písek -propanbutanové láhve. Sídlo: -Masarykovo nám. 6/5, Karviná. Pobočky: -Stonava, tel.:596325577; 604420959 -Český Těšín, tel.: 558732161; 604640959.

Radim Čajka - Pila Čajka

Saw. Production, wholesale, retail, sale: - all construction timber: - prisms - up to 13 m long - fosny - boards - slats - fence posts - boards - cut - log. Production, sale: - fuel scraps - waste in the fireplace. Purchase - logs: - from private owners. Cutting - prisms, boards, chisels. Wood impregnation. Shop: - Hornopolní 36, 702 00 Ostrava 1 -…