Semifinished products

Semi-finished products can be divided into semi-finished products of plastic, metal and wood. Get your plastic sheets, rods, tubes, wires, semi-finished products for the production of lighting equipment, solar panels, semi-finished metal products for decorations gates, fences and staircases, i.e., spike, spikes, and handles.

Roman Gruber

Prodej - tapety Prodej - dřevo Rámování - obrazy Prodej a montáž - sítě proti hmyzu Výroba - sítě proti hmyzu Polstrování dveří a okenmontáž - plastová okna a dveřevýroba - parapety

Radim Sibera

Joinery and carving work - garden decoration - statues - the kitchen - stairs - inbuilt wardrobe - beds - living rooms - office and school furniture Production, sale, delivery, assembly - the kitchen Sales, delivery, assembly - office furniture Production - office furniture Production, sale, delivery, assembly -…