
Operation of machinery and equipment, as well as the heating of the different buildings and homes is possible due to the fuels. Fossil fuels, such as coal, coke or oil, gaseous fuels like LPG or CNG, hydrogen or biofuels can be purchased with domestic and international suppliers.

ZABAG s.r.o.

The company ZABAG s.r.o. is a family business that deals in the sale of new and once-used bulk bags, cardboard boxes and transport pallets. We also offer our customers Czech-made briquettes and pellets. Big bags: They are suitable for the transport and storage of bulk and piece materials. We offer new or mainly once-used bags from food processing plants. Cardboard boxes: We offer new or…

Václav Dušek

Servis - užitková vozidla Servis - osobní vozidla Pneuservis Provozování - čerpací stanice s palivy a mazivy Správa a údržba nemovitostí Praní - žehlení Oprava a údržba oděvy, bytový textil Pořádá - odborné kurzy - školení - ostatní vzdělávací akce včetně lektorské činnosti

Uhelné sklady Arnoltice, s.r.o.

Coal warehouses Arnoltice, s.r.o. offers for sale Bílina coal, coal briquettes, gravel and sand. We provide car transport by large-volume semi-trailer (50 m3) throughout the Czech Republic and abroad. We offer bagged coal of 25 kg. Another of our activities also includes earthworks services. Sales, delivery, transport: - Bílin coal - coal briquettes - gravel - sand. We are…