Aleš Mráz
Prodej: - uhlí Nákladní autodoprava
Prodej: - uhlí Nákladní autodoprava
Wholesale, retail, distribution: -powered matter, -oils, -lubiva.
Gas station. Sales and distribution: -petroleum products -gasoline NATURAL 95 -diesel -shop -coffee.
Pilařská výroba, tesař, tesařství, výroba na zakázku: - krovy, altánky, pergoly a jiné dřevěné konstrukce. Prodej: - desky, latě, fošny, trámy - i jednotlivé kusy. Impregnace dřeva. Pořez kulatiny ve mzdě. Vlastní doprava. Prodej: - palivové dřevo, odkory. Pořez kulatiny do 18 m. Prodej řeziva do 18 m. Výroba paletových přířezů.
The company LOSERT spol. s. r. o. deals with the sale of a complete range of bulk building materials, fuels, building materials, decorative and construction gravel, sand, quarry stone, black and brown coal. It offers the entire range with home delivery with the option of paying by card. You can choose from these materials: - gravel - sand - filter and hygienic sand for children's sandpits…
Přestavby motorových vozidel na alternativní pohon propan butan-benzín. Měření emisí: - benzín včetně vozidel se vstřikováním - benzín-LPG. Servis a opravy osobních automobilů. Servis a revize LPG. Čerpací stanice. Prodej: - náhradní díly - autodoplňky.
Čerpací stanice. Maloobchod, prodej: -pohonné hmoty -benzín -nafta -LPG.
Sale: - dry coal, black, brown, coke, rekord briquettes, river coal (Bílina) sale of bagged coal and wood - firewood, firewood - soft, hard, fireplace - trimmed and cut to 25, 33, 40 or 50 cm, split. - untreated firewood Delivery for districts: - Nový Jičín, Ostrava, Valašské Meziříčí, Opava, Frýdek-Místek, Hranice.
The company AGROTECH, spol. s r. o. deals with mixed agricultural production, which means that in addition to work in the field, it also deals with animal husbandry. We manage approximately 1280 ha of agricultural land in five cadastral areas. This is the territory of the municipalities of Poličná, Branky, Choryně, Lhota and Juřinka. 1045 ha is arable land, the rest are permanent grasslands. …
Uhelné sklady. Prodej: - uhlí - koks.
Čerpací stanice. Prodej: - pohonné hmoty.
Čerpací stanice. Prodej: - pohonné hmoty, benzín. Pohostinství: - bistro.
Production, sale: - wood briquettes (ecological fuel) - wooden pellets - agropellets, chips - construction and carpentry lumber - wooden roof shingles. Woodworking. Sale: - solid fuels. Road truck transport cargo.
We are your supplier of coal and sand. We have been operating on the market since 1996 and are engaged in the retail of solid fuels. The domain of our company is the sale of solid fuels, ie brown coal, brown coal briquettes, black coal, coke and firewood. We offer our customers products from major coal companies such as Severní energetická, OKD Ostrava and Severočeské doly Chomutov. We…
Čerpací stanice, distribuce, prodej: - pohonné hmoty (motorová nafta, benzín) - motorové oleje - průmyslové oleje - nemrznoucí směsi - chladící kapaliny - tuky a maziva. Pobočka: - Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, Pivovarská 6.
Sale: -beech, oak wood - beech, oak blanks -planed and dried wood - joiner's lumber - beech jointers -wood flour - beech RUF briquettes
Čerpací stanice. Prodej: -pohonné hmory, PHM, benzín, nafta -maziva, oleje.
Retail, sales: - agricultural, breeding and gardening supplies - fertilizers - fodder - cereals - potatoes - fruit vegetables - fruit trees - soil - wood briquettes - work outfit.
Transport, transportation: - national, international - extraction - freight forwarding. Fuel distribution.
Čerpací stanice PHM*. Prodej: -pohonné hmoty -benzín,nafta -oleje,maziva,autokosmetika. Sídlo firmy: - TRASO s.r.o., Markova 1767, Frenštát pod Radhoštěm 74401 - tel.: 556880930.
Sale: - slag, slag, coal - backfill aggregate, backfill aggregate. Road transport: - freight road transport - TATRA, LIAZ. Earthwork.
The company Josef Mikeska is mainly engaged in the production of professional carpentry tools. We are the only Czech manufacturer of carpentry tools. Furthermore, since 2002, we have been offering all services in the field of wood processing and harvesting and lumber production. As part of our activity, we carry out, for example, our own sawing of logs, cutting of trusses according to the…
Wholesale, sale: - floor coverings, - floating floors, - ecological fuels, - door, - wooden windows including installation, - wooden terraces including assembly.