
Chemicals are an essential part of any chemical and pharmaceutical laboratories. It is to them the need to take chemicals, organic and inorganic preparations, test strips, volumetric solutions, disinfectants and other necessary chemicals for the job. s.r.o.

Sale: - high quality products for production, repair and maintenance of all kinds. Carrier products are anaerobic adhesives, technical sprays, industrial chemistry. Another sales item is abrasives, lumber, versatile lubricants and electrical wire terminations. We offer personal hygiene products such as towels, paper tissues, liquid soaps, etc.

DUHACOLOR spol. s r. o.

Výroba a dovoz chemických látek a chemických přípravků kvalifikovaných jako výbušné, oxidující, extrémně hořlavé, vysoce hořlavé, vysoce toxické, toxické, karcinogenní, mutagenní, toxické pro reprodukci, nebezpečné pro životní prostředí a prodej... Výroba chemických látek a chemických přípravků Velkoobchod Specializovaný maloobchod Maloobchod provozovaný mimo řádné provozovny

Martin Hásek

Our company, located in the village of Dolní Branná, between the towns of Jilemnice and Vrchlabí, is engaged in the distribution, retail and wholesale sale of car paints and accessories, industrial paints, paints and wood paints, as well as facade and interior paints and materials for your apartment or house. their application. Last but not least, we deal with the sale of materials needed to…

K + K Color, s.r.o.

A complete range of paints, varnishes, plasters, sealants, adhesives and a wide range of auxiliary materials We mix on the most modern mixing equipment COROB (Modena, Italy) We tint colors - interior, facade, synthetic, acrylic, ..... Delivery of goods to a designated location in the region as agreed with the customer Ensuring a professional company in the field of painting, painting and…

THERMO INDUSTRY, a.s. - Odstranění plísně

Internetový obchod poskytuje vysoce účinné protiplísňové přípravky, které jsou navrženy tak, aby účinně eliminovaly plísně na různých typech povrchů, včetně zdí a dřeva. Každý produkt byl pečlivě vybrán s důrazem na kvalitu a spolehlivost, aby zákazníkům poskytoval optimální výsledky při boji s plísní. S našimi špičkovými prostředky můžete dosáhnout nejen okamžitého odstranění…

STAPAZ s.r.o.

Building materials supplier - concrete products - wooden briquettes - metallurgical material - electrical assortment - chimneys - cardboard and foil - Painting Supplies - paints - protective equipment - aerated concrete - roof coverings - roof windows - waste system - gutter system - windows, doors, door frames - fences - construction lumber - transport of…

Renew CZ, s.r.o.

Mixing: - interior and exterior colors Sale: - facade, plaster, interior, exterior colors - varnishes Painting work. Sale: - drugstore Rehabilitation of concrete structures. Sale: - construction chemistry Demolition. Earth and excavation works. Anti-corrosion protection of steel structures, bridges, cranes.

Nano Distribuce, s.r.o.

We mainly deal with products for the protection of various types of surfaces and materials and comprehensive services associated with it. Anti-graffiti protection, graphite removal, comprehensive car body maintenance Use of the latest products from the field of nanotechnology, own implementation of spraying