
Energy services includes the distribution of electricity, heat and gas for businesses and households, on the construction management of EHV, repair of nuclear reactors, the design and subsequent installation of EHV. Choose for your business or household of the optimal supplier.

ENCO group, s.r.o.

Services: - Designing HV/LV energy equipment - Construction of Eng. equipment - LV/HV connections, substations, substations - Public lighting - construction, operation, maintenance - Energy audits - certificates of energy efficiency, boiler inspections - Supply and installation of heat pumps, air conditioning - Thermal imaging diagnostics - Revision of electronic HV/LV equipment - Sale of…

ELPREMONT elektromontáže s.r.o.

The company ELPREMONT elektromontáže s.r.o. offers its customers comprehensive services in the areas of high-current power, public lighting, wiring, photovoltaic power plants, earthworks, construction supplies, road transport, assembly platform work and other activities related to these fields. The main goal of the company is to provide services at the highest level from the processing of…

Pavel Brázda

Elektromax Elektro projekce: - silnoproudé energetické zařízení - slaboproudé zařízení - síťové zemní napájecí kabely - návrhy hromosvodů - energetické sítě a rozvody. Inženýrská činnost.

Ivo Barnet

Energy consultant at the Czech a.s., which deals with energy consulting - optimization of energy needs for companies and households - project Blue-green to savings - energy audit - projects for saving gas consumption, el. energy, water, lighting, cooling, energy labels, boiler subsidies - subsidies (rainwater) for SBD, SVJ and family houses - vodník project - control of water…

MSEM, a.s.

Komplexní dodávka a montáž: - výstavba, rekonstrukce a opravy rozvodných energetických zařízení - technologická montáž (distribuční rozvodny vysokého napětí a velmi vysokého napětí, distribuční trafostanice). Speciální autodoprava. Kompletace kioskových trafostanic. Opravy a likvidace: - distribuční transformátory.