Steel structures and metal stairs

Metal production ensures the production of metal structures, which includes metal profiles for storage and production buildings, bridges, conveyors, cranes or beams, then metal galvanized or stainless steel stairs, for interior and exterior applications.

PYRAMIDA, s.r.o.

Complete deliveries, assembly, sales: -swimming pools-complete construction supplies -roofing of outdoor pools - saunas including assembly -dehumidifiers for indoor pools - steel structures, warehouse-warehouses, production -garage and industrial doors including electric drives - security grilles, entrance gates - bathtubs, shower boxes, glass and acrylic walls -LINDAB gutter…


Telefon dílna 318629307. Kotle uhelné SLATINA: -opravy -generální opravy GO**. Montáž a opravy: -kotelny -výměníkové stanice. Demontáž a montáž: -potrubní rozvody tepla a vody. Výroba: -ocelových zámečnických výrobků schody,zábradlí,světlíky,poklopy, ploty,vrata,branky,okna... -ocelové konstrukce atypické přístřešky,haly... Dodávka a montáž: -vzduchotechnika. …

MONTKOV, spol. s r.o.

Custom small and mass production, work, sales, assembly: - locksmith - gates, steel structures, fences, grilles, interiors of shops and stores (metal shelves, stairs, shop windows) -frames of all kinds classic, for plasterboard partitions, for HEBEL, YTONG, round, square, with seal and without seal for fire closures -interior doors, ordinary, full, glazed -Interior fire…

Roman Motyčka

Vyrábíme, dodáváme, montujeme, zajišťujeme-zpracování nerezu, hliníku, mědi: - nerezové, hliníkové konstrukce - mycí stoly, zábradlí - dveře zateplená i normální, - násypky, zásobníky, nádrže, - dopravníky, žebříky, regály, rošty aj. - Zakázková výroba

Ing. Eduard Sýkora - ESAKO

Production, assembly: - metal interiors, stainless steel - steel constructions. Custom production: - stairs, stainless steel railings, handrails, shop windows, bars, wrought iron fences, doors, gates. Work: - locksmith. Wholesale, retail, sale, leasing: - vehicles, MITSUBISHI and MAZDA cars Car service, repairs, own towing customer service: - personal cars - MITSUBISHI and…

INMEX Pardubice, a.s.

Projekce, výroba, dodávky a montáže strojně-technologického zařízení zejména pro potravinářský průmysl: - strojně-technologické zařízení pro dopravu, čištění, zpracování a uskladnění obilovin - dopravníky svislé (korečkové) - dopravníky vodorovné (řetězové, šnekové) - prvky spádové dopravy (kolena, hradítka, klapky) - ventilátory, váhy, zásobníky, filtry, šrotovací stroje - opravy…

ISAZ - Markl a spol.

Production, assembly and supply of iron and stainless steels, locksmithing, metalwork: - production for construction companies - steel structures, stairs, windows, doors - delivery and assembly of steel halls, crane tracks, glass shop windows - steel and stainless steel interiors - stairs, railings - non-slip walls - stainless steel products - trolleys for bakery ovens, sterilizers -…

TAURUS, s.r.o., Chrudim - TAURUS

Production and supplies: -machines and equipment -vertical grinders/ mills -mixers for fodder mixtures -grate magnetic separators -worm conveyors and dosers -bucket elevators -tensometric scales and weighing systems -gravity piping for loose materials -production lines -reconstruction of existing producing plants for fodder mixtures, postharvesting lines, stores …

MIZMA spol. s r.o.

Production, metalwork, assembly: -locks, fittings, blacksmith products - steel structure made of stainless steel material -forms for recycled plastics - plastic fender holders for Avie - underpass barriers on Avie -stainless steel light ramp holders for trucks. Work: - locksmith -turning -milling -pressing.

TIS - CR s.r.o.

TIS-CR Ltd. - technical-engineering service offers in a field of preparation and realization of main contracts of transport equipment: -technical support in transport system solution -transport of loose and piece materials including accessories -steel supporting structures -technical assistance -complex offers of main contracts of transport systems -sets of machines and equipment or…

Hope-Mont, s.r.o.

Truck crane work - AD 20. Construction work, metalwork, production, assembly, storage, metalwork. Production: - locksmith parts for buildings - structural parts. Reinforced Iron: - cutting of rebar, bending and laying for construction, rebar boxes for buildings. Construction: - construction of halls, roof construction, staircase parts, balconies, prefabricated structures, entrance…

NOR, a.s.

Buildings, reconstruction, modernization: Traffic - railways, sidings, crossings (technical supervision on sidings) Industrially - roads, paved areas, utility networks Place of business: - Náchod, Běloveská, phone: 481421766. Sale: - metallurgical material - steel constructions - steel profiles I, U, L, T - flat and round steels - reinforcing steel - yakly - fence posts …

PRO - METAL D spol. s r.o.

The activity of our company. - we cut sheet metal. - we bend the sheets. - we bend sheet metal. We are drilling. We press. We weld and cut with a flame. We weld with electricity. We make: - doors, gates, gates, fence parts - railings - collection tanks - containers - steel constructions - pressure vessels - components for the production of municipal equipment - etc.


Authorized dealer of steel halls of the ASTRON system. Production, construction, design, erection, repair, construction, general contractor: -roads and car parks -repairs of roads by recycled bitumen -road sewerage and drainage -steel halls of the ASTRON system -subgrade for steel hall erection. STEEL STRUCTURES: -ASTRON HALLS: -atypical -span without inside supports up to 60 m …

Mádle-kovo-elektro s. r. o.

Metalwork, locksmith work, assembly, locksmithing, Garage door installation: - Hörmann and Trido doors Custom metal fabrication: - turning work - blacksmith work - production of aluminum components Production of illuminated advertisements: - illuminated advertisements from plastic profiles Production, assembly: - sectional garage doors Delivery, installation: -…

Krovy 2000 s.r.o.

- Vazníkové příhradové střešní konstrukce - Nástavby panelových objektů - Nadstavby občanských staveb - Konstrukce krovů - Dvouplášťové ploché střechy - Lehké halové objekty - Střešní konstrukce vhodné do agresivního prostředí - Konstrukce bednění pro inženýrské stavby - Dřevostavby