Containers, cells and stalls

Manufacture, sale and reconditioning of the stalls, containers, and individual cells of various types will meet your requirements or wishes. From retired steel shipping containers, through construction and residential cells, up to after sales stalls of larger and smaller sizes.

Karel Vobůrka

road transport, construction, repair of roads, sidewalks, excavation of swimming pools, garden ponds, sumps, cellars, excavation of foundations for family and commercial buildings, removal of rubble, dirt, household waste, snow - import of sand, gravel, stone, building material - demolition and demolition work with removal - cleaning and snow removal - cutting trees - plant care -…

Metalšrot Tlumačov a.s.

The main field of the company Metalšrot Tlumačov a.s. is ecological disposal of car wrecks and technological units. We are also your partner for the purchase of iron, non-ferrous metals, we carry out waste recycling and we also deal with the subsequent sale of treated scrap metal, scrap metal and non-ferrous metals. In the locality Zlín, Zlínský, Olomoucký kraj we have in addition to the…

ZAMAD s.r.o.

Metal production, locksmith and blacksmith work: -production and assembly of steel and metal structures -production and repair of steel freight containers -work with lexan -Locksmith work - stairs, grilles, railings, self-supporting gates. Zlín and Olomouc region.

Kontejnery UH - Roman Mišák

Služby: - pronájem kontejnerů - 3 - 16 m3 - kontejnery na - stavební suť, objemný odpad, zeminu, dřevo, betonový recyklát, odpady - likvidace odpadů - kompletní vyklízecí servis - pronájem lešení - rozvozy zboží a stavebního materiálu - dodávková autodoprava - stěhování - vyklízení objektů Zlínský a Jihomoravský kraj.


AWT ROSCO a.s. provides services related to the lease and comprehensive management of freight wagons. We are a member of the AWT Group and are engaged in car rental, including their routine maintenance. We will also take care of cleaning rail tanks. We rent and manage high-wall, covered, tanker, hopper and platform cars throughout Europe. Services:  - comprehensive management of freight…

GROZA s.r.o.

Company GROZA s.r.o. has many years of experience in the field of locksmith production. Thanks to them we are able to produce not only small constructions, but also large units. In our portfolio you will find steel doors, doors, staircases, skylights, containers, ramps, building cells or steel structures. You can find us at Černá cesta 145, Olomouc. Locksmith's production, metal production,…

SSI Schäfer s.r.o.

SSI Schaefer s.r.o. provides services in the field of professional solutions for logistics systems and technology for waste. We are a leading supplier of integrated logistics systems planning and implementation. We also offer modern concepts in waste management. Logistics systems - automated sorting and storage systems - handling systems and robots - conveyor systems. Storage and…

AGS-DUO, spol. s r. o. - kovovýroba

The company AGS-DUO, spol. s r. o. offers services in the field of metal production. We provide metalworking, burning on CNC machines, turning and milling work, welding, thermoforming and material cutting. We are located in the village Štěpánkovice, district Opava. Metal production, production: - containers from 3 m3 to 22 m3 - small constructions - bus stops - augers for feed wagons -…

WAREX spol. s r.o.

We provide completely: - general supply - industrial works - supply and installation - steel structures and cladding for civic and industrial buildings - project and design work within the scope of the following stages: - documentation of a steel structure and cladding - technical documentation for a tender - documentation for zoning decision - documentation for building…

Nature, s.r.o. - Sběr, svoz, likvidace odpadů Prostějov

The company Nature, s.r.o. deals with waste management. Provides comprehensive services in waste management, including hazardous waste disposal. We also focus on container transport not only in Prostějov, but also in Olomouc. Our services: - collection, recovery and disposal of industrial, municipal, trade, bulky and hazardous waste - container transport - waste management - delivery…

V-Mal Stavební a zemní práce - Michal Volešák

V-Mal stavební a zemní práce se sídlem v Jílovém u Prahy se specializuje na poskytování komplexních stavebních a zemních prací. Firma se pyšní moderními metodami, profesionálním přístupem a ochotným personálem, což ji činí ideálním partnerem pro realizaci různorodých projektů. Působí především v Praze a celém Středočeském kraji. Společnost nabízí širokou škálu služeb, které zahrnují: • …

Rostislav Zbránek

Rostislav Zbránek nabízí služby kontejnerové dopravy včetně přistavení a pronájmu kontejneru. Dovezeme písek, štěrk, beton, stavebního materiály, odvezeme suť, železný a jiný odpad. Dále provádíme sečení travnatých ploch - zahrady, parky, firemní areály, komerční pozemky, obecní pozemky. Zajišťujeme provedení zemních prací.

Jiří Preisler - Jeřábnické práce Turnov

Mr. Jiří Preisler provides crane work and services in the field of road transport to his customers. We perform truck crane work using Liebherr 1030/2 and Tatra AD 28 cranes. Our portfolio of services includes installation of panels, transshipment of machines, construction cells, installation of swimming pools within a range of up to 35 m, recovery of crashed vehicles, transportation of building…

Michal Kraus

Michal Kraus - Váš spolehlivý partner pro zemní práce a autodopravu v Jihlavě! Hledáte profesionální a spolehlivou firmu pro zemní práce, kontejnerovou autodopravu do 15 tun, zimní údržbu, pronájem kontejnerů nebo dovoz sypkých materiálů? Firma Michal Kraus, sídlící na adrese Zborná 37, Jihlava, je tu právě pro vás! Naše služby zahrnují: Zemní práce: Provádíme veškeré zemní práce s důrazem na…