Transport facilities

Buy new and used transportation equipment, mainly automobiles, motorcycles, vans or scooters. If you need to travel without a driving licence, take advantage of rail transportation by train or road transport using buses.

POLYFEX - Petr Maňhal

The company POLYFEX - Petr Maňhal deals with repair, straightening of plastics and laminates, custom production from laminate and our activities also include the production and repair of laminate ships. You will find our office in Beroun on Náhorní Street. Repair, gluing, straightening: - autoplastics, motoplastics - fairings - bumpers, mirrors, lights - spoilers - coolers - fuel…

Daniel Beránek

We are a family rental company with years of experience, and therefore we are also able to provide all services related to sailing not only the Vltava River, but also other rivers. We will arrange the rental of all necessary material, transport to the place of departure, transport of luggage and people along the Vltava. Our favorite activity is night rafting through Český Krumlov, which we run…

LVXPro s.r.o.

V našem internetovém obchodě zakoupíte nafukovací čluny, motorové čluny, pramice, veslice, kajaky, kanoe, přívěsy pro lodě, elektromotory, lodní motory a echoloty. Součástí našeho sortimentu jsou přípravky na čištění a údržbu lodí a lodní příslušenství – bojky, elektro doplňky, kotvení, oleje a vazelíny, těsnění, ventilace, vesla, pádla, záchranné prostředky a mnoho dalšího. V našem e-shopu…

David Srba - Master service

We offer professional services, which include quality metalwork, locksmith work, service and repair of motorcycles, scooters, four-wheelers, selected garden equipment, boats, jet skis and the sale of spare parts. We are also engaged in the rental of our own advertising spaces (billboards), advertising and promotion of companies at motor racing (mainly motocross), production of advertising signs…

Autoleasing Litoměřice spol. s r.o. - operativní leasing

We will be happy to provide you with operational leasing, manage the vehicle fleet, but also lend you a car for a short period of time. We offer clients operational leasing of passenger and commercial vehicles of all brands offered on the Czech market. Operative leasing is the leasing of a vehicle to a lessee, when the vehicle remains the property of the leasing company after the end of the…

TTC Performance s.r.o.

TTC Performance s.r.o. je firma, která se zabývá profesionálním chiptuningem, diagnostikou a optimalizací výkonu vozidel a strojů. Nabízí širokou škálu služeb pro různé typy dopravní, zemědělské, stavební a lesní techniky. Na svých webových stránkách prezentuje své reference, certifikáty, ceník a kontaktní údaje. Chiptuning je proces, při kterém se upravuje software řídící jednotky motoru, aby…

DOCTORmotor s.r.o

The company DOCTORmotor s.r.o. has been dealing with all repairs of cars and motorhomes since 2006. Our company performs cleaning of DPF, FAP filters, air conditioning filling, automatic tire service, laser geometry. From December 2021 you will find us in new premises in OC Centro Zlín Malenovice. We are the only car service in the department store. Before you buy, we will fix it. We…