Transport and handling equipment

Do you have the problem with transportation and handling of heavy goods? Transport and handling equipment in the form of forklifts, hydraulic trolleys, inclined ramps, chain systems and the sliding of the strips to solve these problems in every sector of industry and production.

STAMPA Ostrava, - spol. s r.o.

STAMPA Ostrava Ltd., located in Ostrava, the Czech Republic, member of the European Union, is a company that carries out complete deliveries of steel structures, industrial factory equipment and machine parts to be used in industry and building constructions. A professional team of workers, able to respond to the challenges of the modern age, enables the STAMPA Ostrava Ltd. company to implement…


Exclusive representation of CATERPILLAR LIFT TRUCKS company - handling technique for the Czech Republic. Delivery, wholesale, retail trade, sale, customer service, spare parts, hire, rental: -petrol and diesel reach trucks (power/motor trucks) up to capacity of 15 tonnes -battery-powered fork lift truck -three-wheeled and four-wheeled trucks, up to capacity of 5,5 tonnes -trucks for stores…

HOZST - Ing. Miroslav Horák

Projekce, projektování, vývoj, výroba, montáž, servis-regálové systémy a manipulační technika: -regály: -policové, konsolové, příčkové, knihovní- pevné, pojízdné -rotační zásobníky a regálové zakladače -skladovací plošiny, transportní a manipulační vozíky -kovové skříně, výstavní vitríny, ohnivzdorné boxy -manipulátory a manipulační linky. Automatizace výrobních…

Miler Vladimír

MPM Miler Prodej: - pojezdová kola - manipulační technika. Servis: - vysokozdvižné a nízkozdvižné vozíky Zakázková výroba: - regály, čtyřkolové vozíky, rudle atd. Výkup: - použité paletové vozíky. Prodej: - repasované paletové vozíky.

MAPTECH s.r.o.

MAPTECH s.r.o. based in the Olomouc district, has been engaged in the production of machine technologies for manufacturers of concrete goods, the production of steel structures and metalworking work for more than 20 years. We offer our customers molding technology for the production of concrete goods, custom locksmith production, assembly and welding work, as well as construction and design work.…