Technology for the treatment of grassy areas of football and golf courses
Technology for the treatment of grassy areas of football and golf courses
PROSTOR a.s. provides municipal, cleaning services and maintenance of greenery on the territory of the capital city of Prague and its surroundings. We offer summer and winter road maintenance, pavement cleaning, mowing grass, tree felling, cleaning services for households, offices and cleaning sports and cultural events. In our field we are among the companies that are able to execute even…
The company Akord - služby s.r.o. deals with cleaning work on a mechanical and manual basis as part of the provision of comprehensive services, i.e.: - maintenance of sidewalks and roads - container haulage - cleaning of halls, buildings, offices and apartment buildings - general cleaning after construction - maintenance of grass areas - plant care - garden work - building management.
The AVE CZ company is engaged in collection, processing, value re-increase, transport and disposal of waste. We have operated within the Czech Republic territory since 1993. We provide waste management services for municipal and private customers Fundamental market segments consist of: - Municipal and industrial services - Remediation of old environmental burdens. Provided services: …
AVE CZ is one of the largest companies on the market of waste management, remediation of environmental burdens, demolition, road maintenance, municipal services and facility management. It has been operating in the Czech Republic since 1993. The specific activities of AVE CZ include: - collection and disposal of municipal and trade waste - collection and utilization of sorted waste …
The companies of the RUMPOLD group provide comprehensive services in the field of waste management for cities and municipalities, as well as for industrial companies, sole traders, including retail chains. The collection, collection and transport of all types of waste is provided by the latest technology. The company emphasizes the material and energy use of waste. For this purpose, it…
Garden, communal and golf equipment. The company STROM Praha, a.s., based in Prague - Vinoř, has become well-known in the Czech Republic as a supplier of high-quality, reliable agricultural, municipal, golf and garden equipment of the John Deere brand.
Spravování veškerého komunikačního majetku hlavního města Prahy. Správa a údržba silnic a komunikací
Poskytujeme: - komplexní správu nemovitostí, výrobních areálů, nemocnic, hotelů, bytů - údržbu zeleně - zimní úklid - stavební činnost - havarijní služba - opravy - školení BOZP, PO.
Stavební práce a údržba. Komunální úklid. Údržba zeleně. Opravy a stavby dětských hřišť, chodníků a schodů. Odvodňování. Zámečnické práce menšího i většího rozsahu.
Cleaning sidewalks and parks, offices, interiors. Cordless vacuum cleaners, baskets, bags, mobile vacuum cleaners, dog excrement. Collection and disposal of waste, cleaning.
Administration and maintenance of communications. Collection and disposal: - bulk waste. .
Construction company FREKO a.s. focuses on services related to the maintenance of traffic surfaces. We offer special construction work in the construction and repair of airport traffic areas. We also perform milling of bituminous and concrete covers of roads and other traffic areas. We also concentrate our activities in the area of communal services, we deal with cleaning roads or sidewalks,…
Komunální technika. Zametací stroje. Produkty: - zametací stroje PM10 - zametací speciály - sypače & radlice - BU nosič nářadí - vozidla na svoz TKO - speciální stroje - servis. Vozidla BU 100/150/200 se vyznačují praktickou a hospodárnou koncepcí. Každodenní použitelnost nezávisle na ročním období. Vznětový VM motor typ R754EU5 - euro5, Common Rail s výkonem 74 kW při 3000 ot/min…
Autorizovaný dealer a servis vozů FIAT a autorizovaný servis vozů TOYOTA. Dále provádíme opravy značek ALFA ROMEO a LANCIA.
Under the red PEKASS logo you will find the addition of agricultural, municipal and road equipment. The company with a 25-year tradition on the market supplies top farmers with JCB and John Deere tractors and agricultural machines, Swedish ÖVERUM plows, HORSCH LEEB and HARDI sprayers, HORSCH tillage machines, as well as KRAMPE, TEBBE, PÖTTINGER, QUICKE brand products, BOGBALLE, BRIRI, also…
Čištění: -fasády, portály, markýzy, prodejní stánky, přístřešky MHD* -čerpací stanice -průmyslové čištění (podlahy dílen, hangárů) -podlahy, schodiště, aplikace tvrdých vosků -odstraňování úkapů ropných produktů na parkovištích, čištění zámkové dlažby -čištění uličních vpustí -kompletní čištění plášťů budov -čištění a dezinfekce restaurací, řeznictví, výroben…
Unikont Group s.r.o. acts as a supplier of reliable and quality cleaning technology. We are selling and servicing outdoor and indoor cleaning and communal machinery. You can choose from a wide range of hand cleaners, professional and industrial vacuum cleaners, floor washing machines, dust-free sweepers and more. You can find all the offer on our e-shop. Delivery, sale, e-shop, service: -…
Rental, sale, service, leasing. Rental of small machinery: -vibration technique - demolition hammers -screw compressors - mixers - thread cutters - heaters -grinders -vacuum cleaners-industrial, for household use welders - saws and other professional tools.
Services: - technical services for local authorities, including park green maintenance - domestic car transport, both freight and passenger - removal of debris and municipal waste - laying interlocking paving - demolition of brick buildings - demolition of film decorations - planting and maintenance of greenery - sale of firewood including import - sale of construction lumber - simple…
Naše společnost nabízí profesionální čistění FV panelů 2 technologiemi a kompletní správu FVE jako je sekání trávy a úklid sněhu. Dále nabízíme: - úklid sněhu - údržbu zeleně: - sekání trávy - stříhání a údržba keřů a živých plotů včetně odvozu .
Waste comprehensively: - collection of municipal and trade waste, separate collection -containers -pressing containers -sorted waste collection -voluminous and industrial waste -cleaning of roads -collection yards of Voctářova street, Satalice.
The family company Alama s.r.o. was founded in 2004. The predominant economic activity is the implementation of: - small constructions - building modifications and reconstruction of housing units - electrical installation works - revisions and repairs of electrical installations. Furthermore, it is the management and maintenance of real estate. Another important activity is: -…